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The zooplanktons were represented by the Crustace, Rotifers and Protozoa. The Crustaceans were the most dominating group, followed by Rotifers and then protozoa. Zooplanktons are the smallest, acellular or metazoans in water bodies, ranging in size from about 0.05 to 10 mm. Protozoans, Rotifers, Crustaceans (i.e. Cladocera; Rotifers and ostracoda) and small insects constitution most zooplankton communities. They provide food for many species of fish and are therefore, vital in the food web of ponds; dams are rivers. They are also used as an index of productivity, eutrophication and pollution of the water bodies. Monthly variation in the number of zooplankton with the communities occupying higher trophic levels, were recorded in Futera pond, Damoh, M.P. The zooplankton population of Futera pond was studied for a period of 12 months from June 2011- May 2012.The zooplanktons were represented by five groups of organisms in order Rotifera>Crustacean > Cladocera > Protozoa > Copepoda. The zooplankton were composed of Rotifera (31.48%), Cladocera (18.52%), Copepoda (9.26%), Crustaceans (25.92%) and Protozoa (14.82%). A Total number of 54 genera were observed during the present study. The highest qualitative value of total zooplankton recorded in Futera pond was 944.8±32.05 org/l in the month of August, while the lowest value of total zooplankton was recorded 448.4±10.01 org/l in the month of January. The fluctuation in the number of zooplankton was discussed in relation to the physico-chemical and other environmental condition of the pond. Dominance of Rotifers and Crustaceans indicate the eutrophic status of pond.

Hemlata Verma, Dr. Devendra N. Pandey and Dr. Sandeep K. Shukla

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