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Research Article Open Access

Number Plate Recognition Using an Improved Segmentation


The NPR (Number Plate Recognition) using is a system designed to help in recognition of number plates of vehicles. This system is designed for the purpose of the security system. This system is based on the image processing system. This system helps in the functions like detection of the number plates of the vehicles, processing them and using processed data for further processes like storing, allowing vehicle to pass or to reject vehicle. NPR is an image processing technology which uses number (license) plate to identify the vehicle. The objective is to design an efficient automatic authorized vehicle identification system by using the vehicle number plate. The system is implemented on the entrance for security control of a highly restricted area like military zones or area around top government offices e.g. Parliament, Supreme Court etc. The developed system first captures the vehicle image. Vehicle number plate region is extracted using the image segmentation in an image. Optical character recognition technique is used for the character recognition. The resulting data is then used to compare with the records on a database. The system is implemented and simulated in Matlab, and it performance is tested on real image. It is observed from the experiment that the developed system successfully detects and recognize the vehicle number plate on real images.

Mr. G. T. Sutar , Prof. Mr. A.V. Shah

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