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Research Article Open Access

Performance Improvement of a Boiler through Waste Heat Recovery from an Air Conditioning Unit


In the present scenario energy crises is a severe problem across the globe. For the protection of global environment and maintain ecological balance, energy saving is one of the most vital issue from the view point of fuel consumption also. Therefore, it is essential that we should endeavour for waste heat recovery by making significant and concrete effort. Conservation of energy by waste heat recovery is the need of hour. In this paper main objective of the researcher is to study and analyses the feasibility of retrofitting the waste heat recovery system for hot water generation. An attempt has been made to recover the heat rejected by an air conditioning system used in a factory. The waste heat is used for producing hot water for Boiler Feed. The demand & supply and storage requirement is attempted. Such a system can be fabricated in the work shop of a factory and preliminary experiment can be carried out. This study will focus on the fact that such a system is technically feasible and economically viable. Waste heat is the heat which is produced in a process by combustion of fuel or exothermic chemical reaction and then rejected into the environment even though it can still be utilized for some useful and economic purpose. In most general case, waste heat is the energy associated with the waste streams of air, gases and liquid leaving the boundaries of a plant, section or building and lost to the environment. Waste heat which is rejected from a process at a temperature sufficiently higher then ambient air temperature permits the recovery of energy for some useful purpose in an economical manner. The essential quality of heat recovered is not the amount but it’s “Value”. The strategy of recovery of this heat not only depends on temperature of waste heat sources but also on the economics involved behind the technology used.

Rakesh Jain, Devendra Dandotiya, Abhishek Jain

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