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Research Article Open Access

Power system protection issues due to wind generation farms


The current power system is working under sustaining energy shortages. The distributed generation (DG) can be a solution for the energy shortage. Distributed generation refers to generation of power using a set of small sized generators that produces power at low voltage levels. The distributed generators are mainly designed to be connected directly to the distribution network near load centres. The distributed generation have some negative impacts in the power grid. Many of the DG sources like wind, solar etc are intermittent in nature. The source impedance is varying in nature due to these intermittencies. The fault current characteristics are changing in the presence of distributed generation. Existing relay settings will not sense these change, which leads to malperation of relays. The adaptive relaying can be a solution for the malfunction of relays. Adaptive relaying means the relay has to adapt to the changing environment. The decision making capability is to be incorporated with existing relays. The impact of increment of DG penetration in Kerala power grid is studied and adaptive relaying is suggested as the solution strategy.

Sujo P George, Kush Khanna, S Ashok, M N Bandyopadhyay

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