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Research Article Open Access

Power System Transient Stability Analysis Based on Evolutionary Interval Type-2 Fuzzy Logic Controller and GA System


This work aims to develop a controller based on evolutionary interval type-2 fuzzy logic to simulate an automatic voltage regulator (AVR) in transient stability power system analysis. It was simulated a one machine control to check if the evolutionary interval type-2 fuzzy logic controller (EIT2FLC) implementation was possible. After which results were compared to the results obtained with the AVR itself. The traditional type-1 Fuzzy Logic Controller (FLC) using precise type-1 fuzzy sets cannot fully handle such uncertainties. A type-2 FLC using type-2 fuzzy sets can handle such uncertainties to produce a better performance. However, manually designing the type-2 Membership Functions (MFs) for an interval type-2 FLC is a difficult task. This paper will present Genetic Algorithm (GA) based architecture to evolve the type-2 MFs of interval type-2 FLCs used for transient stability power system analysis. The GA based system converges after a small number of iterations to interval type-2 MFs which gave very good performance. The control of synchronous generator terminal voltage and reactive power has been a disturbing problem to researchers and designers of power system engineers. This paper uses the evolutionary interval type-2 fuzzy logic scheme for automatic voltage regulation of synchronous generators and observes that it is superior to convectional AVR controllers because it can tune the controller parameters and remembers what it tuned before. The simulation results obtained using evolutionary interval type-2 fuzzy logic scheme during abnormal operation of power system network shows reduction in settling time, percentage overshoot and steady state error.

Sharma Anurag, Jha Manoj, Qureshi M.F.

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