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Research Article Open Access

Reed-Solomon Coded OFDM with Unique Word as Guard Interval


This paper gives an idea for a new transmit signal structure for OFDM(Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing).To avoid the interference between to signal we always require a guard band interval using cyclic prefix. But instead of that here a new term is used which is nothing but Unique Word Length where deterministic signal is used. Since Unique Words represent known sequences, they can advantageously be used for synchronization and channel estimation purpose. Furthermore it also generates the complex reed-Solomon (RS) code structure within the structure of sub-carriers which act as a unique word length code. To further improve the bit error ratio behavior of the system, winner smoother was used to succeeding a zero forcing stage at the receiver. These beneficial properties are achieved while additionally featuring around the same bandwidth efficiency as conventional CP-OFDM.In this paper with the help of simulation we highlight the advantages spectral properties and the bit error ratio performance(BER) performance of nonsystematic coded UW-OFDM and CP-OFDM in additive white Gaussian Noise (AWGN) as well as frequency selective environment

Nitinkumar M.Pachkawade, Manoj M.Dongre

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