E- ISSN: 2320 - 3528
P- ISSN: 2347 - 2286

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Research Article Open Access

Regulatory Role of Casein Glycomacropeptide (CGMP) in the Faecal Flora of Mice with Ulcerative Colitis


The BALB/c mice were divided into a normal control group, a model group, CGMP groups with low doses (5 mg/kg·d), middle doses (50 mg/kg·d) and high doses (500 mg/kg·d), and a Sulfasalazine (SASP) group. Except the normal control group, all mice were treated with Oxazolone (OXZ) by perfusion to induce the UC model. In contrast, the mice in the normal control group and the model group were treated with an equal volume of saline for 7 consecutive days, which the changes in the fecal flora of the mouse intestines were evaluated by Fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) and DNA staining.

Zhu Ming, Xueji Liu, Yali Yan, Guangchang Pang, Qingsen Chen*

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