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Special Issue Article Open Access

Robotic Agriculture Machine


This paper presents a system with high speed of operation for an advanced agriculture process which includes cultivation based on robotic platform. The robotic system is an electromechanical (conveys a sense that it has agency of its own) and artificial agent which is steered by DC motor which has four wheels. The farm is cultivated by the machine, depending on the crop considering particular rows & specific columns. The infrared sensor detects the obstacles in the path and it also senses turning position of vehicle at end of land. The seed block can be detected and solved using water pressure. The machine can be controlled remotely and solar panel is used to charge DC battery. Assembly language is used in programming the microcontrollers. The microcontroller is used to control and monitor the process of system motion of vehicle with the help of DC motor. The result of implemented unit is also presented.

Gholap Dipak Dattatraya, More Vaibhav Mhatardev, Lokhande Manojkumar Shrihari, Prof. Joshi S.G

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