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Cement is the most popular construction material due to several reasons. But it is not a sustainable material and energy intensive. Each ton of cement produces an equal amount carbon-di- oxide, during its production. Geopolymer is one among them having several advantages such as reasonable strength gain in a short time, good volume stability, excellent durability etc. This paper, report on the study of the processing of geopolymer using fly ash, GGBS and alkaline activator with geopolymerization process. The geopolymer pastes were prepared using different binder combinations mixed with the alkaline solution. The setting time of geopolymer paste increases with the increase of GGBS content and then decreases. However the compressive strength of the paste increases with the increase in GGBS content. The compressive strength of the paste was found to be as high as 57.6 MPa at the age of 28 days which was cured in ambient conditions. The microstructure of the paste showed formation of new amorphous alumina-silicate and calcium silicate hydrates.

Sahana .R

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