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Special Issue Article Open Access

Speaking Gloves for Speechless Persons


The main aim of the paper is to develop Electronic Speaking Glove, designed to facilitate an easy communication through synthesized speech for the benefit of speechless patients. Generally, a speechless person communicates through sign language which is not understood by the majority of people. The proposed system is designed to solve this problem. Gestures of fingers of a user of this glove will be converted into synthesized speech to convey an audible message to others, for example in a critical communication with doctors. The glove is internally equipped with multiple flex sensors that are made up of “bend-sensitive resistance elements”. For each specific gesture, internal flex sensors produce a proportional change in resistance of various elements. The processing of this information sends a unique set of signals to the PIC microcontroller and speaks jet IC which is pre-programmed to speak desired sentences. In recent years, researchers have been focusing on hand gestures detections and been popular for developing applications in the field of robotics and extended in the area of artificial or prosthetic hands that can mimic the behaviour of a natural human hand.

Abjhijt Auti, V. G. Puranik, Dr. A. K. Kureshi

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