ISSN ONLINE(2319-8753)PRINT(2347-6710)

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Research Article Open Access

Speed up Optimization in Distributed Systems


This paper presented a new approach to simulation of distributed systems. There are some limited approaches to simulation of distributed systems, such as petri-net, mathematical simulations and some softwares like NS and etc. In Internet as a semi-distributed system, the methods for preventing limitations are very important. Therefore, in this research a new approach for simulating distributed systems is introduced to expand the abilities and decrease the limitations of expanding and maintaining the system bottlenecks. The new idea is based on simulation of mechanical elements by some of electrical elements and obtain some formulas as the result of this simulation. In the new method, after understanding the relationships between parts of a distributed system and electric elements (like the similarity of these elements and mechanical behaviours), simulation will be begun and it uses the rules which are proved in electric lows to optimize these systems. Because in order to analyse these systems with any kind of size, it can uses some kinds of software that are used in electrical science a lot and it can solves some basically problem of distributed systems that the past approaches unable to solve them, such as incremental growth and performance (speed) optimization. In this research, both of static and dynamic behaviour of systems are important.

Dr. P. Bayat, L. Omrani, S. Bayat

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