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Special Issue Article Open Access

Studies on Waste Heat Recovery Using Matrix Heat Exchanger and Alternate Fuel


The increasing demand for power has led to considerable fossil fuels burning which has in turn had an adverse impact on environment. It is seen that approximately, 30 to 40% of heat is only converted into useful mechanical work and the remaining heat is emitted into atmosphere as waste heat. Efficient use of energy and its conservation assumes even greater importance in view of the fact that one unit of energy saved at the consumption level reduces the need for fresh capacity creation by 2.5 times to 3 times. The economic development of a country is often closely linked to its consumption of energy. Although India ranks sixth in the world as far as total energy consumption is concerned, it still needs much more energy to keep pace with its development objectives. It can be seen that there is growing momentum behind energy recovery innovation among legislative leaders at the local, state and federal level. Energy recovery includes any process that converts waste material into energy. The Recovery technique reduces the amount of waste heat being emitted into the atmosphere. The study shows the availability and possibility of waste heat from internal combustion engine using Matrix Heat Exchanger, also describe loss of exhaust heat energy as waste heat. Waste heat recovery system leaves a pathway for recycling and conserving fuel for future generations.

Vinothkumar. P.T, Sunderasen.S Prasath.S

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