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Research Article Open Access

Transforming Indian Sign Language into Text Using Leap Motion


A sign language looks up the manual communication and body language to convey meaning, as opposed to acoustically conveyed sound patterns, which involve simultaneous combination of hand shapes, orientation and movement of hands, arms or body, and facial expressions to fluidly express a speaker's thought. The Leap device tracks the data like point, wave, reach, grab which is generated by a leap motion controller. The system implements DTW combined with IS algorithm for converting the hand gestures into an appropriate text, aided by leap device that consists of inbuilt camera and two IR sensor to capture hand signals. Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP), a division of Artificial Intelligence which includes Natural Language Processing and Neural Networks. The IS invokes a trigger when the current environment changes dynamically, DTW handles gesture transformation mapped with similar patterns.

P.Karthick, N.Prathiba, V.B.Rekha, S.Thanalaxmi

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