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Research Article Open Access

Voice And Non Voice Control Based Wireless Home Automation System.


Automation is the latest trend comes to work in new field like industry, library, home etc. here we want to describe home automation, which can villagers also able to use in their village. Wherever we go, home buyers also think about automation in home to make it boom in city and well demanded estate. Home automation is the target for the rich people about their houses, now days. This paper presents the idea about wireless home automation that how we can implement automation in small villages, also describes the existing systems. Voice recognition module is the main part for easy operation and it is more advanced. So our friend, other family member’s voice may be matched and recognized by this module. 80 voice commands are stored with no group of instruction so our voice can also recognized with respect to 80 voice samples. 7 voice commands are work at a time. By the way, there were a problem occur in voice recognition module and we want to operate home appliances control then that time keypad managed this system by pressing just a key. Keypad works to operate home automation which is useful for elderly person, handicapped person and patients too. Children also used this system because their hand cannot reaches to switch board else switch board caused to children so this works operated by voice sampling.

Gayatri R.Shinde, Jyoti N.Borole, Kantilal P. Rane