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Glomerular Filtrate Dynamics in patients with Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis

2nd Global Summit on Neurology and Neuroscience

January 24-25, 2022 | Webinar

Kononets Oksana

Shupyk National Healthcare University of Ukraine, Ukraine

ScientificTracks Abstracts: Neurosci


The objective was to ascertain the clinical and par clinical particulars of the coexistent affection of the nervous system and the kidneys in patients with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). Material & Methods: This paper focuses on the case report of 55 patients, aged 56 �?± 10, with ALS. The patients underwent a detailed clinical and neurological examination, laboratory analysis and instrumental examination. Results: Having analyzed the renal function data in patients with ALS, we found the creatinine in serum to fall within the range of 20 â�?�? 143,23 �?¼mol/L; and to be within the reference value only in 25,5 percent of patients; more than half of the patients, i. e. 69 percent, were found to have the below normal level and 5,5 percent were observed to have the above normal level. The serum urea level was noticed to vary from 3,1 to 11,1 mmol/L; and to be within the reference value in most patients. Having determined the glomerular filtration rate (GFR) by the SKD-EPI formula in 55 patients with ALS, we found that its level varied from 50,46 to 173,82ml / min / 173 m2; the renal filtration function was retained in most patients, i. e. in 72,7 percent of cases; it was observed a mild renal filtration dysfunction in 21,8 percent; 5,5 percent had a moderate renal filtration dysfunction. We discovered that the correlation coefficient between the GFR and the disease duration was r = 0,28.We addressed a possible correlation between the creatinine in serum and paresis severity, the creatinine in serum and creatine phosphokinase level, and the dependence of the GFR on the CPK level, but we found no correlation. Conclusion: It was discovered a significant relationship between the renal concentration and the filtration function in patients with ALS.


Kononets Oksana, Associate Professor, MD, PhD, Department of Neurology No. 2,Shupyk National Healthcare University of Ukraine, 9 Dorohozhytska Str., Kyiv, 04112 Ukraine. At the Department of Neurology No. 2 the investigations concerning the nervous system state under somatic pathology, in particular the kidneys, are under way. The investigations concerning the nervous system state in renal pathology in patients with different neurological diseases, in particular, have been carried out by PhD in Medicine, Associate Professor Oksana Kononets.