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Ayman Ahmed Rasmy

Ayman Ahmed Rasmy

Ayman Ahmed Rasmy
Consultant Medical Oncology
King Saud Medical City
Saudi Arabia



I am Ayman Rasmy- Egyptian with MD in Medical Oncology (Nov.2009) with a license as a consultant medical oncology from the Egyptian Medical Syndicate (Jul. 2010) and from the Saudi Council for Health Specialties since Apr.2014. Currently, I am working as a Consultant Medical Oncology in King Saud Medical City-Riyadh since July 2016 with experience as an assistant consultant in King Fahad Specialist Hospital-Dammam- from Jan.2011-July.2016. My education, training, and experience since 1999 have given me an opportunity to develop a good background in the field of Medical Oncology.

My key job responsibilities include the following:

-Providing direct medical services to cancer patients
-Contributing in interdepartmental consultations.
-Participating in the development of medical services, including standard procedures, management of activities related to patient care, and standard procedures.
-Contributing towards the improvement of the efficiency of my department -Participating in the research as principal or co-investigators.
-Participating in the educational activities in my Hospital.


Research Interest

Medical Oncology
Internal Medicine
Clinical Oncology Bone Marrow Aspiration and Biopsy
Intrathecal chemotherapy injection
IntraVesical Chemotherapy injection
Pleurocentesis and Paracentesis
