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Special Issue Article Open Access

A Collaborative Approach Based On Ant Colony Algorithm for Data Aggregation in Wireless Sensor Networks


Wireless sensor networks are energy constrained devices. In a large sensor network, data aggregation significantly reduces the amount of communication and energy consumption. To balance the energy consumption and to prolong the network life time a family of ant colony algorithm for data aggregation is proposed. DAACA consists of three phases: 1) initialization 2) packet transmission 3) operation on pheromones. It has four different pheromone adjustment strategies. Basic-DAACA selects the route based on distance between nodes and ES-DAACA selects the route based on distance and energy consumption to send the packet. MM-DAACA includes both the features in above algorithm and also set the range to select the route. Finally the ACS-DAACA includes all the above features and also capability to deliver the packet to the destination without ant data loss and as soon as possible. It also utilizes the minimum number of nodes on the path to reach the destination. In ACS-DAACA, the additional enhancement of node’s link level is also considered before selecting the optimal route. This can be done by using fuzzy sets.

R.Renganayaki, Dr.K.Vimala Devi

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