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Research Article Open Access

An Approach for Real Time Testing Reliability & Usability Testing Process


The criticality of correct, complete, testable requirements is a fundamental ideology of software engineering. Also the complete quality of the system is checking the process and product metrics of the final product. Modern tools for managing requirements allow new metrics to be used in support of both of these critical processes. Using these tools, potential problems with the quality of the requirements and the test plan can be identified early in the life cycle. Some of these quality factors include: ambiguous or incomplete requirements, poorly designed requirements databases, excessive or insufficient test cases, and incomplete linkage of tests to requirements. This thesis discusses how metrics can be used to evaluate the quality of the requirements and test to avoid problems later. Test metrics are very powerful “Risk Management Tool”. They help you to measure the current performance of the system. Because today’s data become the tomorrow’s historical data. This data can be used to improve our future work that estimates the quality levels. Keywords: Metrics, GUI, Quality, risk management.

R.Karthikeyan, Dr.S.R.Suresh

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