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Special Issue Article Open Access

An Intelligence Based Alert System for Farmers


In India, Agriculture is considered to be a primary occupation for a most segment of population. EAgriculture is a rising field focusing on the improvement of rural and agricultural development through advanced information and communication processes. E-Agriculture entails the conceptualization, design, development, assessment and appliance of innovative ways to use information and communication technologies (ICT) in the rural field, with a principal focus on agriculture. In this work, the data mining concept has been proposed for sending information to farmers. The details based on agriculture parameter are sent to farmers on daily and seasonal basis. In seasonal basis the information can be sent to farmers only on selected basis. This can be done by using data mining technique of Birch clustering, one of the Hierarchical clustering. The other information such as information from agriculture board or any board meeting messages can be conveyed to farmer’s .These messages has been conveyed to farmers through SMS via SMS gateway. Comparative result provides the proposed result estimation when compared with the existing works

Sumitha Thankachan , Dr.S.Kirubakaran

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