E- ISSN: 2320 - 3528
P- ISSN: 2347 - 2286

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Research Article Open Access

In-vitro Enzyme Inhibition Studies for Antidiabetic Activity of Mature and Tender Leaves of Mangifera indica var. Totapuri


Diabetes mellitus is a chronic disorder characterized by high blood glucose levels, whose critical management alleviates multiple complications. Ill-managed diabetes often precedes incidence of dyslipidaemia and cardiac diseases. Mangifera indica L (Anacardiaceae) is a popular Indian horticultural tree also used medicinally. Hypoglycaemic and/or antidiabetic activity of leaf has been investigated in various models; however a comparative account of hypoglycaemic potential of mature and tender leaf is not reported; effect of leaves on carbohydrate digesting enzymes also is not reported. The present study is a preliminary report on comparative hypoglycaemic properties of aqueous methanolic extracts of mature and tender leaves of M indica L var. Totapuri in glucose loaded Wistar Albino rats and In-vitro glucosidase and  amylase inhibition bioassays. Significant hypoglycaemic activity was observed with both extracts in oral glucose tolerance test at 500mg/Kg b.wt. given orally one hour prior glucose loading. The extracts also showed inhibition of rat intestinal alpha glucosidase ,as well as porcine pancreatic alpha amylase with IC50: 21.03 and 35.73 for mature leaf and 27.16 and 22.01 for tender leaf extracts respectively. Thus the hypoglycaemic potential of mango leaves may be due to inhibition of carbohydrate digesting enzymes. Polyphenols, flavonoids and saponins identified in the extracts may be responsible for their hypoglycaemic activity.

Bhuvaneshwari J, Salma Khanam and Kshama Devi

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