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Research Article Open Access

Maximum Leftover Energy-Distance routing protocol (MLE-LD) using absolute distance and Euclidean distance in WSNs


WSN consists of a large number of sensors nodes which senses data from surrounding environment and gathers data collectively and send to aggregator which are called as clusters. As sensor nodes are deployed in sensing field, they can help people to monitor and aggregate data by consuming some energy through the process. Researchers also try to find more efficient ways of utilizing limited energy of sensor node in order to give longer life time of WSN. Network lifetime, scalability, and load balancing are important requirements for many data gathering sensor network applications. That is why many protocols are introduced for better performance and less consumption of energy. The efficient node-energy utilization is one of important performance factors in wireless sensor networks but besides this reliability is also an issue. In this paper, we proposed a cluster based routing algorithm to ensure high reliability such that the network life time will enhance and energy consumption will decrease and thereby giving better performance measure.

Mrs. Sweet Subhashree, Mr. Neelamani Samal

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