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Research Article Open Access

Oral Health Status and Treatment Needs of Primary and Middle School Teachers of Davangere City, Karnataka State, India


Background & Objective: School teachers are among best available health personnel who help in improving the health of the community. Few studies conducted regarding knowledge, attitude and practices of the teachers. There is no available data regarding their oral health status which may cast an indirect impact on the children. Thus, the objective of this study is to assess the Oral Health Status and Treatment Needs of primary and middle school teachers of Davangere city, Karnataka. Methods: Using stratified random sampling technique, 300 school teachers were selected. Personal data was collected by questionnaire and oral health examination was conducted as per WHO Criteria of 1997. The simplified oral hygiene index (OHI-S), periodontal status (CPI), dental caries status (DMFT) and prosthetic status and treatment needs were recorded and statistically analysed. Results: Of total 300 teachers examined, 84.3% (n=253) were females and 15.7% (n=47) were males. The results were analysed based on age groups, area of location, education, gender and type of schools. The mean OHI-S score was 2.3 ± 1.2. OHI-S (P<0.001, HS), DMFT (P<0.01 S), CPI (P<0.001, HS), Prosthetic status and treatment needs (P<0.01,S) scores increased with age. Mean dental caries experience DMFT was 2.3 ± 2.4 and DMFS 4.9 ± 6.7 (P<0.001, HS), 95% needed health education and 38.6% needed complex periodontal therapy. No one was in need of a complete denture and only 19.6% needed partial dentures. Conclusion: The teachers demonstrates, poor oral hygiene due to lack adequate of knowledge regarding oral hygiene. This study brings out the oral health status and treatment needs related to teachers. There is an imperative need for oral health education to the school teachers to make them help themselves, their students and the community.

Sunitha S, Mythri H, Vidya GD and Sushma R

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