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Research Article Open Access

QoE-Based Algorithm to Assign Channel using Distributed Method for IEEE 802.11WLANs


The main issue with deployment of IEEE 802.11WLANs in the same hotspot is assignment of appropriate channels to the Access Points (APs). The number of channels is limited and most of the channels are overlapping in 802.11and hence the proper reuse of these overlapping channels become a complex problem with respect to QoS and traffic load. Therefore over here QoE defined by the user is targeted. QoE defines the overall acceptability of the service perceived by the user which represents the user/service requirements. In this paper a performance index which takes into account both the user level fairness and aggregate QoE , is defined and the channel assignment is formulated as the optimization problem. The objective is to enhance the experience of user by finding the bandwidth used by each and every node connected to the AP. To achieve the objective we consider Distributed channel assignment algorithm for uncoordinated WLAN’s where AP’s will self configure their channels to reduce the interference level with their neighbouring AP’s and find the bandwidth used by each and every node connected to the network.

Kalpitha Uthappa C, Vinodha K

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