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Research Article Open Access

RFID and GSM Based ATM Money Transfer Prototype System


An automated teller machine or automatic teller machine (ATM) is a computerized telecommunications device that provides a financial institution's customers a secure method of performing financial transactions in a public space with RFID reader and GSM. Using an ATM, customers can access their bank accounts in order to make cash withdrawals (or credit card cash advances) and check their account balances. Many ATMs also allow people to deposit cash or checks, transfer money between their bank accounts, pay bills, or purchase goods and services. The customer then verifies their identity by showing RFID tag to a reader, then a message is being send to registered user of that Account, such that “Please enter pin and amount”, after successful reception of message then the system validates for PIN number and then process the transaction, if fails then it will not process transaction and send a reply message as invalid transaction. After the transaction is complete, motor will rotate to dispatch required amount to the customer. Concerned person will receive a message through SMS via GSM regarding authentication and money transfer transactions. ATM security system using GSM Module is one of the hot topics in embedded systems industry. For providing Security at ATMs GSM Module are controlled by using Microcontroller. Probably the most useful thing to know about the global system for mobile communication is that it is an international standard. If you travel in parts of world, GSM is only type of cellular service available. Instead of analog services, GSM was developed as a digital system using technology.

G Vinay Kumar , R.Raju, Santhosh Kumar

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