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Research Article Open Access

Secure Crypto and ECG Steganography Based Data Communication for Wireless Body Sensor Network


The acquisition, processing and secure transmission of a patient’s physiological and physical parameters to a remote location has been done by Patient Tele monitoring System (PTS). The PTS uses the wireless channel for communication of patient’s data which is not secure as wireless channel is open for information being hacked by unauthorized person easily , where there is no patient’s privacy thereby this project proposes the improvement of protection system for secret data communication through encrypted data concealment in ECG signals. The proposed encryption technique is the chaos cryptography technique which encrypts the confidential data in to unreadable form and it is concealed in to the high frequency coefficient of the Wavelet decomposed ECG signals by the data hider. The reversible data hider technique and LSB replacement algorithm is used for concealing the secret message bits into the high frequency coefficients. In the data extraction module relevant key is used to extract the secret data and decryption keys are used to get back original information .Finally the performance of the proposed technique and existing technique is analyzed based on image, data recovery and time consumption.

G Sheeba, M I Anju, K Hari Priya, V Monisha, M M Sabbana Banu

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