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Research Article Open Access

Security Architecture and Verification of Java Bytecode


Bytecode is a stack based java virtual machine instruction set that contains 202 instructions, not only it provides architectural independence to java but also ensures that the code is secure and portable. It has widely evolved into a topic of high importance , for the industrial organizations as well as academic institutions. The industry derive it's interest because of the fact that bytecode is used specifically for websites and mobile device applications namely: cell phones, metro cards, credit cards, internet banking etc where security is of prime importance. Moreover it allows classes to load dynamically which results into an additional dare for those applications which contains formal methods. Also, the poor structuredness of the code and the operand stack being pervasively present results in furthermore challenges for the analysis of bytecode. This paper reviews the theoretical aspects of analysis, transformation, verification and security of Java bytecode by presenting the existing ways of java bytecode verification and proposing some optimizations.

Ankit Tyagi, Abhishek Anand, Archana Bharti, Rashi Kohli

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