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Research Article Open Access

Semantic Matching and Resource Discovery Algorithms for RESTful Web Services


Recently, the implementation architecture of mashups has changed from the existing SOAP-based style to the REST style. This is mainly because the REST style has several advantages: lightweight, declarative and easy to access. The growing number of available RESTful web services raises a challenging search problem: how should the desired web services be located. This paper proposes semantic matching and resource discovery algorithms based on the ontology learning method for RESTful web services. These algorithms allow mashup developers to automate the discovery and composition of RESTful web services eliminating the need for programmer involvement.We describe an experimental study on a collection of 168 RESTful web services. The experimental results show that our approach achieves up to 30% improvement for recall performance, and up to 18% for precision performance compared to the keyword searching method.

Dr.Yongju Lee

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