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Research Article Open Access

Survey on Secured Data Transferring in Cloud Computing


Cloud computing has gained a lot of hype in the current era and it is said to be the next big thing in the computer world after the internet. Cloud computing is using Internet for the tasks performed on the computer and it is visualized as the next- generation architecture of IT Enterprise. Cloud computing is attached to several technologies and the union of various technologies has emerged to be called cloud computing. Cloud Computing transfers the application software and databases to the enormous data centers, where the administration of the data and services may not be fully honest. This irreplaceable attribute poses many new security challenges which have not been well understood. In this paper, we discuss the mechanism that not only protect sensitive data by enabling computations with encrypted data, but also protect customers from malicious behaviors by enabling the validation of the computation result.

Nivedita B. Patil, Prof. Abhay Pawar, Rohit P. Vibhandik

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