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Research Article Open Access

Survey on Two Layer Encryption System


Security and privacy are the major concern in the adoption of cloud technologies for the data storage purpose. To reduce these concerns one can use the encryption process. However, whereas encryption assures confidentiality of the data against the cloud, but encryption is not sufficient to support the enforcement of fine-grained organizational access control policies (ACPs). Under this approach, data owner can encrypt data before uploading on the cloud and re-encrypt it whenever user credentials are changed. Thus data owners have to pay high communication and computation cost. To overcome this issue, Two Layer Encryption (TLE) process is proposed to delegate the enforcement of fine-grained access control to the cloud. In this system, data owner performs a coarse-grained encryption and cloud performs fine-grained encryption. The TLE system is the NP-complete. This system assures the confidentiality of the data and preserves the privacy of users from the cloud.

Uma B. Ajantiwale, Prof. Ranjana Badre

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