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International Journal of Innovative Research in Computer and Communication Engineering : Citations & Metrics Report

Important citations (47)
image krishna mp, hormese j.(2015) survey on preserving location privacy in geosocial applications.
image Swarnalakshmi r, loganathan b.(2015) an efficient underwater image enhancement using color constancy deskewing algorithm. international journal of innovative research in computer and communication engineering.aug;3(8).
image chatterjee s. (2015)study and analysis of full adder in different sub-micron technologies with an area efficient layout of 4-bit ripple carry adder.
image dutta m, roy p, datta s, nath a.(2015) a new method for recognition of handwritten characters using edge detection, segmentation and pattern matching.
image karunanayake n, gnanasekera m, kodikara nd. (2015) a robust algorithm for retinal blood vessel extraction.
image singh j, hasan k, kumar r.(2015) enhance security for image encryption and decryption by applying hybrid techniques using matlab.
image swetha ms, muneshwara ms, anil gn. (2015)mobile cloud computing (mcc) enables storage smartness for every smart mobile agent.
image shwetha ks, surendra p.(2015) data transfer between independent systems using visible light communication. small. 2015 nov;3(11).
image el abbadi nk, albaka nr, hakim g.(2015) improve de-noising based on singular value decomposition.
image nandhini r, sm rb.(2016) rate control framework for sift/surf feature preservation in h. 264/avc video compression.
image Alwzwazy ha, albehadili hm, alwan ys, islam ne.(2016) handwritten digit recognition using convolutional neural networks.
image kholy ee, ahmed h. (2016)operations on digraphs and digraph folding.
image awad oa, ali h.(2016) a multi-resolution wavelet pid controller for internet aqm routers.
image patil sp.(2016) techniques and methods for detection and tracking of moving object in a video.
image elamathi n, nusrath r, jayanthi s. (2016) an energy aware fault tolerance scheme with delay reduction in wsn for structural health monitoring.
image lakshmidurga d. (2016) impact of energy storage on hybrid ac-dc micro-grid during pulse load.
image mosaad em, eltohamy f, safwat m, helmy ak. (2016) an enhanced framework for change detection in very high resolution remote sensing images.
image Patil dr, lomte vm.(2016)keyed intrusion detection system for key-recovery attacks.
image Das s, nath a, samanta a, roy a, bhattacharyya s.(2016) a secure approach for data hiding using visual cryptography.
image Neha mk.(2016) enhanced security using hybrid encryption algorithm.