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Hasan Ahamd

Hasan Ahamd

Hasan Ahamd

Department of Chemistry
Rajshahi University



Hasan Ahmad has received his Ph.D in Engineering in Material Sciences, Department of Chemical Science and Engineering, Kobe University, Japan during the period of 1997. Currently, he is working as Professor at Department of Chemistry, Rajshahi University, Bangladesh. He is specialist in Material Sciences/Polymer Chemistry .

 Foreign universities he visited as
1. Research Student, Department of Chemical Science and Engineering, Kobe University, Japan.
2. PhD Student, Department of Chemical Science and Engineering, Kobe University, Japan.
3. Visiting Lecturer, Venture Business Laboratory, Kobe University, Japan.
4. AvH (Alexander von Humboldt) Postdoctoral Fellowship, Max Planck Institute of Colloid and Interfaces, Germany.
5. Visiting Research Scientist, Dept. of Materials Science and Engineering, Gwangju Institute

6. of Science and Technology, South Korea.
7. Visiting Researcher, Department of Chemical Science and Engineering, Kobe University, Japan.

8. Visiting Research Fellow, Department of Chemistry, Sheffield University, UK.

Academic Achievements/Awards/Fellowships
1. University merit scholarship, Faculty of Science, Rajshahi University
2. N.C.S.T fellowship, Ministry of Science and Technology, Dhaka, Bangladesh 3. Japanese Govt. (Monbusho) Scholarship
4. AvH (Alexander von Humboldt) fellowship, Germany

5. KOFT fellowship as a visiting research scientist, South Korea
6. Commonwealth fellowship, UK
He has authored around 70+ papers, 30+ conference proceedings and reviewed around 50 research articles.
Students Supervised: About 6 Undergraduate, 23 M.Sc., 2 Ph.D and 1 M.Phil students had already finished their Degrees. 2 Ph.D and 4 M.Sc. students are currently doing researches in his group.

Research interest: Polymer colloid chemistry: Radical polymerization, Controlled radical polymerization, Functional polymer particles, Morphology, Conducting polymer, Inorganic/organic composite microspheres.



Research Interest

Polymer colloid chemistry: Radical polymerization

Controlled radical polymerization
Functional polymer particles
MorphologyConducting polymer
Inorganic/organic composite microspheres