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Xu Han

Xu Han

Xu Han
Chief Technology Officer
University of Miami




Xu Han is a cofounder and Chief Technology Officer at MD3 LLC, which is a mobile diagnosis detection device company, and C-Dots LLC which mainly focus on drug discovery. He obtained PhD degree from the University of Miami, FL, US. From 2008 to 2012, he achieved Bachelor of Science in chemistry from Nankai University, China, and Bachelor of Engineering from Nankai University and Tianjin University in chemical engineering from Tianjin University, China. He serves as the reviewer at Bioconjugate Chemistry, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, Microchimica Acta, Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces, Future Science OA, BAOJ Chemistry, Recent Patents on Material Science, Journal of Parkinson’s Disease andAlzheimer's Disease, International Journal of Analytical Chemistry and other peer review journals. His research mainly focuses on Drug Delivery System, Biosensing Nanotechnology, Protein or Peptide Fibrillation, and Nanolithography.


Research Interest

His research mainly focuses on Drug Delivery System, Biosensing Nanotechnology, Protein or Peptide Fibrillation, and Nanolithography.
