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Ahmed Mohammed Morsy

Ahmed Mohammed Morsy

Ahmed Mohammed Morsy, MD

Lecturer, Pediatric Oncology Department, South Egypt Cancer Institute, Assiut University, Assiut, Egypt.




Following his residency, he was appointed as an Assistant Lecturer after obtaining a Master Degree in Pediatrics in 2007. Dr. Morsy is currently a Lecturer after he was awarded the M.D. degree in Pediatric Oncology in 2014. Dr. Morsy has published various high-quality original research, review articles & commentaries in several peer-reviewed journals with an international reputation. He has been a member of the Editorial Board & served as a Reviewer for many peer-reviewed scientific medical journals. He also holds professional memberships in renowned societies and attended some conferences as a speaker.


Research Interest

Dr. Ahmed Morsy's research interests include issues related to childhood cancer either the clinical or translational aspects of hematologic malignancies or solid tumors in children with cancer.