Cross site scripting, Security breach, server and client communication, web browsers |
The client server environment can be better set by Tomcat apache server and it is used with Java Netbeans and the pages are designed through JSP [1]. The communication can be provided by using servlet in java. But the servlet code is cryptic so that JSP codes are embedded for this purpose. |
The most of the attack can be possible in the trend of browser communication. SQL Injection attacks are also possible in this scenario because the malicious data can be added through the Query by the unauthorized users. |
For Example we can consider a form in the below manner |
<form action="User Entry"> |
<input type="text" name="user" value=""/> |
<input type="submit" value="Submit"/> |
</form> |
Then it all depend on the select query that how we will apply on that to retrieve the better contents. Content sniffing attacks are also possible where content stealing or misleading will be added in the client side. Another type of vulnerabilities is cross-site scripting (XSS) attack [3, 4]. In this the attacker breaches the original policy or protocol applied form the origin. So this type of attack vulnerability provides more bad effects as the sensitivity of data increases or decreases. XSS is used to allow attackers to execute script in the victim’s browser, which can hijack user sessions, deface web sites, insert hostile content, and conduct phishing attacks. Any scripting language supported by the victims browser can also be a potential target for this attack. Web based applications are accessed using Web based communication protocols and use Web browsers as graphical user interface. The most dangerous threat is alteration of the data in text, pdf files and images contents which is called content sniffing attack[5][6][7]. In this type of attach the data will be received by the client but the data is not correct or updated by the attacker. |
To customize back plasticity in the HTML song and to digest round-trip delays, browsers offered the choice to encompass program pandect into the HTML permit depart is present and flawless on the catch by an interpreter integrated into the browser [8]. Java Script code may not be mixed up with Java Server Pages (JSP); JSP code is executed at the server side and not at the client browser [9][10]. The Java Applets is an option purchaser combine technology cruise allows the download and conduct of Java applications to and at the client machine. The java Applets average does quite a distance right away manipulate the browser or HTML document [11]. |
The remaining of this paper is organized as follows. The related work in section 2. In section 3 we discuss about problem domain. In section 4 we discuss the analysis. The conclusions and future directions are given in Section 5. Finally references are given. |
In 2010, Zubair M. Fadlullah et al. [12] to combat against attacks on encrypted protocols; they propose an anomaly-based detection system by using strategically distributed monitoring stubs (MSs). They have categorized various attacks against cryptographic protocols. The MSs, by sniffing the encrypted traffic, extract features for detecting these attacks and construct normal usage behavior profiles. Upon detecting suspicious activities due to the deviations from these normal profiles, the MSs notify the victim servers, which may then take necessary actions. In addition to detecting attacks, the MSs can also trace back the originating network of the attack. They call their unique approach DTRAB since it focuses on both Detection and TRAceBack in the MS level. The effectiveness of their proposed detection and traceback methods are verified through extensive simulations and Internet datasets. |
In 2011, Misganaw Tadesse Gebre et al. [13] proposed a server-side ingress filter that aims to protect vulnerable browsers which may treat non-HTML files as HTML files. Their filter examines user uploaded files against a set of potentially dangerous HTML elements (a set of regular expressions). The results of their experiment show that the proposed automatabased scheme is highly efficient and more accurate than existing signature-based approach. |
In 2011, Anton Barua et al. [7] developing a server side content sniffing attack detection mechanism based on content analysis using HTML and JavaScript parsers and simulation of browser behavior via mock download tests. They have implemented our approach in a tool that can be integrated in web applications written in various languages. In addition, they have developed a benchmark suite for the evaluation purpose that contains both benign and malicious files. They have evaluated their approach on three real world PHP programs suffering from content sniffing vulnerabilities. The evaluation results indicate that their approach can secure programs against content sniffing attacks by successfully preventing the uploading of malicious files. |
In 2012, Takeshi Matsudat et al. [14] proposed a new detection algorithm against cross site scripting attacks by extracting an attack feature of cross site scripting attacks considering the appearance position and frequency of symbols. Their proposed algorithm learns the attack features from given attack samples. They prepared samples for learning and testing, to show the effectiveness of their proposed algorithm. As the result their proposed detection method was successfully detected attack test samples and normal test samples. |
In 2012, Fokko Beekhof et al. [15] consider the problem of content identification and authentication based on digital content fingerprinting. They investigate the information theoretic performance under informed attacks. In the case of binary content fingerprinting, in a blind attack, a probe is produced at random independently from the fingerprints of the original contents. Contrarily, informed attacks assume that the attacker might have some information about the original content and is thus able to produce a counterfeit probe that is related to an authentic fingerprint corresponding to an original item, thus leading to an increased probability of false acceptance. They demonstrate the impact of the ability of an attacker to create counterfeit items whose fingerprints are related to fingerprints of authentic items, and consider the influence of the length of the fingerprint on the performance of finite length systems. Finally, the information-theoretic achieveble rate of content identification systems sustaining informed attacks is derived under asymptotic assumptions about the fingerprint length. |
In 2012, Dawei Wang et al. [16] suggest Payload-based approaches are effective to known DOS attacks but are unable to be deployed on high-speed networks. To address this issue, flow-based DOS detection schemes have been proposed for highspeed networks as an effective supplement of payload-based solutions. Author suggest that the existing flow-based solutions have serious limitations in detecting unknown attacks and efficiently identifying real attack flows buried in the background traffic. In addition, existing solutions also have difficulty to adapt to attack dynamics. To address these issues, they propose a flow-based DOS detection scheme based on Artificial Immune systems. They adopt a tree structure to store flow information such that we can effectively extract useful features from flow information for better detecting DoS attacks. They employ Neighborhood Negative Selection (NNS) as the detection algorithm to detect unknown DoS attacks, and identify attack flows from massive traffic. Because the strong tolerance of NNS, the proposed solution is able to quickly adapt attack dynamics. |
In 2013, Nagarjun, P.M.D. et al. [17] propose variants of RTS/CTS attacks in wireless networks. We simulate the attacks behavior in ns2 simulation environment to demonstrate the attack feasibility as well as potential negative impact of these attacks on 802.11 based networks. They have created an application that has the capability to create test bed environment for the attacks, perform RTS/CTS attacks and generate suitable graphs to analyze the attack's behavior. They also briefly discuss possible ways of detecting and mitigating such Low rate DoS attacks in wireless networks. |
In 2013, Animesh Dubey et al. [6] propose an efficient partition technique for web based files (jsp, html, php), text (word, text files) and PDF files. They are working in the direction of attack time detection. For this motivation they are considering mainly two factors first in the direction of minimizing the time, second in the direction of file support. For minimizing the time we use partitioning method. They also apply partitioning method on PDF files. There result comparison with the traditional technique shows the effectiveness of their approach. |
In 2013, Seungoh Choi et al. [18] prove that Interest flooding attack can be applied for Denial of Service (Dos) in Content Centric Network (CCN) based on the simulation results which can affect quality of service. They expect that it contributes to give a security issue about potential threats of DoS in CCN. |
In 2013, Michelle E Ruse et al. [19] propose a two-phase technique to detect XSS vulnerabilities and prevent XSS attacks. In the first phase, they translate the Web application to a language for which recently developed concolic testing tools are available. Their translation also identifies input and output variables that are used to generate test cases for determining input/output dependencies in the application. Dependencies indicate vulnerabilities in the application that can be potentially exploited when the application is deployed. In the second phase, based on the input/output dependencies determined in the first phase, they automatically instrument the application code by including monitors. The monitors check exploitation of vulnerabilities at runtime. In addition to being both as efficient and effective as the available XSS attack detection techniques, their twophase method is also capable of identifying XSS vulnerabilities that occur due to (a) conditional copy (of inputs to outputs) and (b) construction of malicious string inputs from the concatenation of singularly benign inputs. |
After discussing several research works we can come with some problem area in the traditional approaches which are following: |
1) We can adopt several encryption techniques like RSA, RC4 etc. for protecting the data when the data will be send to the client environment [20]. |
2) We can work in the direction of different JPEG images and Flash also. |
3) Missing of automated identification of file upload procedures in web applications and auto response [21][22]. |
4) Position and frequency based testing with simple visualization tracking is also missing. |
5) Association, partitioning and clustering techniques can be used for reducing the time in the case of file preparation [23]. |
6) Blocking facility can be provided if the data is altered by any unauthorized user. So that the other misleader functionalities will be prevented in the authorized area and auto correction from the server can be provided. It will provide a better attack prevention. |
7) Hybrid encryption techniques are allowed as the file formats are different, so it will be better to allow different encryption techniques based on the file format. |
After analysis of several research paper. We come with some result analysis by the authors working in the same field. Based on the assumptions we strongly suggest strong standard encryption techniques like Blowfish, AES, RC4 and content mapping can also be provided side by side. The types of storage format can also be extended from the previous research. |
The previously described technique allows detecting and preventing different attacks in the web environment with server and client side programming. But an attacker finds a gap to bypass the protection mechanism adopted by us. So our paper provides the possible insights in these directions. In this paper we want to discover the possible attack scenario and possible remedies. We also discuss the present’s techniques. In future we can design a framework based on better encryption techniques with mapping classifier enable mechanism accepting different file formats. |
Tables at a glance
Table 1 |
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