Data Mining, Dimensionality Reduction, Feature Selection |
Data Mining (DM) is the process of finding the previously unknown information from the large amount of databases. The other terms carrying a similar meaning to data mining, is knowledge mining from databases, knowledge extraction, data or pattern analysis, data archeology, and data dredging. It predicts future trends, behaviors and knowledge-driven decision. To discover useful knowledge, the data should be preprocessed. Data preprocessing is an important technique in data mining to rectify the erroneous data present in the dataset [1]. The dataset contains high dimension of data, due to this the performance of the data mining algorithm gets degraded. The high dimensionality issue is resolved using an important technique called Dimensionality Reduction(DR). |
In many real-world applications, numerous features are used in an attempt to ensure accurate classification. If all those features are used to build up classifiers, then they operate in high dimensions, and the learning process becomes complex, which leads to high classification error. Hence, there is a need to reduce the dimensionality of the feature space before classification. The main objective of DR is to transform the high dimensional data samples into the low dimensional space such that the intrinsic information contained in the data is preserved. Once the dimensionality gets reduced, it helps to improve the robustness of the classifier and it reduces the computational complexity [2]. According to the adopted strategy dimensionality reduction techniques are divided into feature selection and feature extraction [3]. |
Feature extraction technique is used to extracts a subset of new features from the original feature set by means of some functional mapping by keeping as much information in the data as possible. The following methods are commonly used for the feature extraction [4]. |
Principal Component Analysis
Principal Component Analysis (PCA) is the most popular statistical method. This method extracts a lower dimensional space by analyzing the covariance structure of multivariate statistical observations [3]. The computation of the PCA transformation matrix S is given as |
(1) |
where |
n is the number of instances |
Yi is the i-th instance |
m is the mean vector of the input data |
Linear Discriminant Analysis
Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA) technique mainly projects the high-dimensional data into lower dimensional space. LDA aims to maximize the between-class distance and minimize the within-class distance in the dimensionalityreduced space [3]. The LDA is computed as |
(2) |
where |
Sb is the between-class matrix |
Sw is the within-class matrix |
where, |
Xi is the index set of ith class |
ci is the mean vector of ith class. |
In this section some essential contributions are listed to improve the classification accuracy by extracting the most relevant set of new features. |
Tomasz Kajdanowicz et al. [5] developed a new method for feature extraction. In this method the new features are calculated by combining the network structure information and the class label. This method is able to extract the important features and show small improvement in the classification accuracy. |
Mohammad et al. [6] studied the existing feature extraction methods and they found that the existing methods are unable to find the important features. Hence they developed a multi-level method which has used to extract the most important features. In this method they used binary n-gram method in the first level and in the second level a statistical method was applied to extract the most relevant features. |
Pechenizkiy et al. [7] considered three different eigen based feature extraction methods. Among them they suggested one important method to extract the best features. And also they designed a decision support system using the suggested feature extraction method to find the improvement in the classification accuracy. |
Veerabhadrappa and Lalitha Rangarajan [8] designed a hybrid method to extract the features. In this method they used multi-level process to extract the important features. In the first level they used statistical method to extract the best features and in the second level they analysed the quality of the individual features which are extracted in the first level. Finally, based on the features quality measure the best features are extracted. |
Suganya et al. [9] developed a new algorithm to extract the relevant features and to improve the classification accuracy. In this algorithm they adopted a new approach called clustering based feature extraction. The most relevant features are extracted using the supervised clustering algorithm. The algorithm uses a probability density function as a measure. |
Hence, the algorithm efficiently extracts the most important features and shows a slight improvement in the classification accuracy. |
Hua-Yan Wang et al. [10] designed a new approach to extract the efficient features for the compositional data. In this approach they introduced a family of DR projections that preserve all relevant constraints, and then found the optimal projection that maximizes the estimated Dirichlet precision on projected data. This approach extracts the efficient features by reducing its dimension and also improves the classification accuracy. |
Hoang Vu Nguyen et al. [11] analyzed the existing feature extraction technique and they found many disadvantages to extract the most efficient features. Hence, they developed a new method called Dimensionality Reduction/Feature Extraction for OUTlier Detection (DROUT). In this method they mainly concentrated to outlier data and to extract the most relevant features. Further weighted adjusted scatter matrix is used to extract the efficient features. This measure is mainly used to detect the outlier and extract the best features. |
Nojun Kwak[12] developed a new method to extract the best features by analyzing existing feature extraction methods like Principal Component Analysis (PCA), Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA), and Independent Component Analysis (ICA) etc. These three methods searches a set of linear combinations of the original features, whose mutual information with the output class was maximized. The mutual information between the extracted features and the output class was calculated by using the probability density estimation based on the Parzen window method. A greedy algorithm using the gradient descent method was used to determine the new features. Hence, this method efficiently extracts a new set of new features and the classification accuracy was improved. |
Many data mining applications generated the dataset with the small sample size and it is very difficult to perform the analysis. Hence, Sitanshu Sekhar Sahu et al. designed a new hybrid feature extraction method. In this method they used F-score to extract the most efficient features with a small amount of data [13] |
Muhammad Fahad Shinwari et al. [14] have studied the various feature extraction methods and found that the methods are unable to extract the most relevant features and decided to develop a new framework which helps to extract the important features. In this framework they used two important statistical measures namely, Linear Discriminant Analysis and Cross-correlation to extract the features. This framework efficiently extracts the new set of features. The obtained new set of features shows the improved the classification accuracy. |
Gladis Pushpa Rathi and Palani [15] used the most common feature extraction technique to extract the features. In their research they used PCA and LDA to extract the most relevant features. This set of newly obtained features is applied to a Support Vector Machine (SVM) classifier and it shows improved classification accuracy. |
Sandya et al. [16] developed a new feature extraction method using fuzzy logic. In this method the fuzzy system generates a fuzzy score. This score is used to extract the most relevant features. They found that this method extract the efficient features and shows the better classification accuracy. |
In this paper, a survey is carried out to extract the new set of features efficiently. Many feature extraction algorithms proposed by different researchers are discussed and the issues present in the existing algorithm were identified. Hence, the future work is to overcome the issues and to propose a new feature extraction algorithm which will extract the new set of features and to improve the classification accuracy. |
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- SitanshuSekharSahu, Ganapati Panda, RamchandraBarik,A Hybrid Method of Feature Extraction for Tumor Classification UsingMicroarray Gene Expression Data, International Journal of Computer Science & Informatics, Volume 1, Issue 1,2011,pp. 22-26.
- Muhammad FahadShinwari, Naveed Ahmed, Hassan Humayun, IhsanulHaq, SajjadHaider and AtiqulAnam, Classification Algorithm forFeature Extraction using Linear Discriminant Analysis and Cross-correlation on ECG Signals, International Journal of Advanced Science andTechnology, Volume 48, 2012, pp. 149-161.
- V.P.GladisPushpaRathi,Dr.S.Palani,A Novel Approach For Feature Extraction And Selection on MRI Images for Brain Tumor Classification,International Journal of Computer Science and Information Technology, Volume 2, Issue 1, 2012, pp. 225-234.
- Sandya H. B., Hemanth Kumar P. , HimanshiBhudiraja, Susham K. Rao, Fuzzy Rule Based Feature Extraction and Classification,International Journal of Soft Computing and Engineering, Volume 3, Issue 2, 2013, pp. 42-47.