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An Assessment of Angiosperm Taxa at the Village Jamtala Under Sadar Upazila of Capai Nawabganj District, Bangladesh

Mahbubur Rahman AHM*, Moriom Jamila

Plant Taxonomy Laboratory, Department of Botany, University of Rajshahi, Rajshahi-6205, Bangladesh

*Corresponding Author:
A. H. M. Mahbubur Rahma
Alexandru Ioan Cuza, Plant Taxonomy Laboratory, Department of Botany, University of Rajshahi, Rajshahi-6205, Bangladesh
Tel: 880 721 751485
E-mail: ahmmahbubur_rahman@yahoo. com

Received date: 25/08/2015 Accepted date: 13/10/2015 Published date: 15/10/2015

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The present paper focused on an assessment of angiosperm diversity at the village Jamtala under Sadar Upazila of Capai Nawabganj district, Bangladesh conducted during December 2013 to June 2015. A total of 151 species belonging to 131 genera under 64 families were recorded. Magnoliopsida (Dicotyledones) is represented by 51 families, 105 genera and 123 species, whereas Liliopsida (Monocotyledones) by 13 families, 26 genera and 28 species. These comprise of 59 herbs, 45 trees, 29 shrubs, 18 climbers belong to 64 families. For each species botanical name, local name, habit, voucher number and family were provided.


Diversity, Angiosperm Flora, Jamtala, Chapai Nawabganj District.


Jamtala is a village under Nawabganj Sadar upazila of Chapai Nawabganj in the Division of Rajshahi Bangladesh. Nawabganj upazila area is 451.78 km2 located in between 24°36′N 88°16′E Coordinates: 24°36′N 88°16′E. It is bounded by Gomastapur upazila on the north, on the north-east Nachole, on the west Shibganj and on the south-east Rajshahi Zila. Population: Total 530592; male 254629, female 275963; Muslim 507483, Hindu 20644, Buddhist 3, Christian 1239 and others 1223. Literacy rate: Average literacy 46.3%; male 44.8%, female 47.7%. Main sources of income: Agriculture 40%, non-agricultural labourer 2.86%, Rice mils 62% and others mils 208%, commerce 16.87%, transport and communication 2.14%, service 26.26%, construction 5.80%, and others 12.65%. Ownership of agricultural land: Landowner 60.36%, landless 40.64%; agricultural landowner: urban 47.12% and rural 60.64%. Main Crops: Paddy, jute, sugarcane, wheat, betel leaf, oil seeds, pulses. Main Fruits: Mango, jackfruit, litchi, black berry, palm, coconut, watermelon and boroi. Water bodies Main River: Mohanonda. Manufacturing Industries: Silk mill, textile mill, cold storage and aluminium factory are different types of manufacturing industries are present. Main exports Mango, Sugar, jute hessian, banana, pineapple, onion, garlic, vegetables. Access to electricity all the wards and unions of the upazila are under rural electrification net-work. However 75% of the dwelling households have access to electricity. Sources of drinking water: Tube-well 83.72%, tap 10.37%, pond 0.23% and others 5.68%. Health centres Upazila hospital 2, health complex 1, satellite clinic and family welfare centre 4, maternity 1, dispensary more than 50, community clinic above 30. Operationally important NGOs are CARE, BRAC, ASA, Proshika, IDE, Dasco, Nijera Kari, Thengamara Mahila Sabuj Sangha (TMSS), Trinamul, Vision, Proyash, Manobic Unnayan Society, Swanirvar Artha-Samajik Unnayan Sangstha, Kolyani Mohila Sangsad, Amnura Santal Mission, BIKE, BISE, BIDOS, BARIO etc.1. at a glance.pdf "All about Chapai Nawabganj, Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics"(PDF).2. Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics (BBS) Statistics and Informatics Division (SID) Ministry of Planing Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh [1].

The climate of this village is generally tropical wet and dry climate, characterized by high temperatures, heavy monsoon, moderate rainfall and high humidity. The hot season commences early in March and continues till the middle of July. The maximum mean temperature observed is about 32 to 36°C (90 to 97°F) during the months of April, May, June and July and the minimum temperature recorded in January is about 7 to 16°C (45 to 61°F). The highest rainfall is observed during the months of monsoon.

The annual rainfall in the district is about 1,448 millimeters (57.0 in).

A number of floristic works have been done in Bangladesh including [2-20]. But no floristic studies are found in the study area. Moreover, the area supports a large number of angiosperm species including herbs, shrubs, climbers and trees. Like other parts of the country, the floristic elements of this area is in risk because of various anthropogenic activities including irrigation and modern agriculture, population settlements and firewood collection and also habit degradation. In order to make a documentation of the angiosperm taxa of the area, an attempt has been made tom prepare a preliminary assessment of the angiosperm plant species occurring in Jamtala village under Sadar Upazila of Capai Nawabganj district, Bangladesh.

Materials and Methods

The research work is based on the fresh materials collected through twenty five field trips to the area during December 2013 to June 2015. Botanical specimens were collected, and field identification of the collected specimens was confirmed comparing with herbarium specimens at the Herbarium, Department of Botany, Rajshahi University. In some cases, standard literature, such as and were consulted for identification purposes. The specimens were mounted and deposited in the Herbarium, Department of Botany, Rajshahi University for future reference [21-51].

Results and Discussion

The present paper focused on an assessment of angiosperm diversity at the village Jamtala under Sadar Upazila of Capai Nawabganj district, Bangladesh conducted during December 2013 to June 2015. A total of 151 species belonging to 131 genera under 64 families were recorded. Magnoliopsida (Dicotyledones) is represented by 51 families, 105 genera and 123 species, whereas Liliopsida (Monocotyledones) by 13 families, 26 genera and 28 species. These comprise of 59 herbs, 45 trees, 29 shrubs, 18 climbers belong to 64 families. Asteraceae, Euphorbiaceae and Moraceae are the largest family in Magnoliopsida represented by 8species in each and Liliopsida, Areaceae, Poaceae is the largest family with 5species (Tables 1 and 2). Amaranthaceae, Acanthaceae, Asteraceae, Apocynaceae, Araceae, Arecaceae, Caesalpiniaceae, Cucurbitaceae, Euphorbiaceae, Fabaceae, Lamiaceae, Moraceae, Malvaceae, Mimosaceae, Myrtaceae, Poaceae, Rutaceae, Solanaceae, Verbenaceae are the dominant families with high species diversity. For each species botanical name, local name, habit, voucher number and family were provided of 151 species recorded here, herbs are represented by 59 (39.07%), trees by 45 (29.80%), shrubs by 29 (19.05%), climber by 18 (11.92%) (Figure 1).

S/N Family name No. of the herb species No. of the Shrub species No. of the Climber species No. of the Tree species
01 Annonaceae - - - 1
02 Piperaceae - - 3 -
03 Nelubonaceae 1 - - -
04 Nymphaeaceae 2 - - -
05 Menispermaceae - - 1 -
06 Papaveraceae 1 - - -
07 Moraceae - - - 8
08 Chenopodiaceae 1 - - -
09 Amaranthaceae 5 - - -
10 Portulacaceae 1 - - -
11 Basellaceae - - 1 -
12 Molluginaceae 1 - - -
13 Polygonaceae 1 - - -
14 Elaeocarpaceae - - - 1
15 Tiliaceae - 1 - -
16 Sterculiaceae - 1 - -
17 Bombacaceae - - - 1
18 Malvaceae 1 2 - -
19 Caricaceae - - - 1
20 Cucurbitaceae - - 4 -
21 Brassicaceae 1 - - -
22 Moringaceae - - - 1
23 Sapotaceae - - - 1
24 Ebenaceae - - - 1
25 Crassulaceae 1 - - -
26 Mimosaceae - - 1 2
27 Caesalpiniaceae - 2 - 3
28 Fabaceae 1 1 1 1
29 Lythraceae - - - 2
30 Trapaceae 1 - - -
31 Myrtaceae - - - 2
32 Punicaeae - - - 1
33 Combretaceae - - - 3
34 Euphorbiaceae 3 4 - 1
35 Rhamnaceae - - - 1
36 Anacardiaceae - - - 1
37 Meliaceae - - - 1
38 Rutaceae - 2 - 2
39 Oxalidaceae 1 - - 1
40 Apiaceae 2 - - -
41 Apocynaceae - 2 - 2
42 Asclepiadaceae - 1 1 -
43 Solanaceae 1 5 - -
44 Convolvulaceae - - 3 -
45 Cuscutaceae - - 1 -
46 Boraginaceae 1 - - -
47 Verbenaceae 1 2 - 1
48 Lamiaceae 4 - - -
49 Acanthaceae 1 3 - -
50 Rubiaceae - - 1 1
51 Asteraceae 7 1 - -
52 Arecaceae - - - 4
53 Araceae 5 - - -
54 Commelinaceae 1 - - -
55 Cyperaceae 1 - - -
56 Poaceae 2 2 - 1
57 Bromeliaceae 1 - - -
58 Musaceae 1 - - -
59 Zingiberaceae 3 - - -
60 Costaceae 1 - - -
61 Cannaceae 1 - - -
62 Pontederiaceae 1 - - -
63 Liliaceae 2 - 1 -
64 Aloeaceae 1 - - -
Total 59 29 18 45

Table 1: Showing the families of the plant species recorded.

Sl. No. Botanical name Local name Family Habit Voucher number
1 Abelmoschusesculentus (L.) Moench. Dherosh Malvaceae Shrub MJ-118
2 Abromaaugusta (L.) f. UlatKambal Sterculiaceae Shrub MJ-04,
3 Acacia nilotica(L.) Del. Babla Mimosaceae Tree MJ-109
4 AcalyphaindicaL. Muktajuri Euphorbiaceae Herb MJ-104
5 Achyranthesaspera L. Apang Amaranthaceae Herb MJ-28
6 AdhatodavasicaNees. Basak Acanthaceae Shrub MJ-73
7 Aeglemarmelos (L.)Correa Bel Rutaceae Tree MJ-112
8 Albiziaprocera (Roxb.)Benth. Koroi Mimosaceae Tree MJ-144
9 Allium cepa L. Piaj Liliaceae Herb MJ-15
10 Allium sativumL. Rosun Lilaceae Herb MJ-25
11 Alocasiaindica (Roxb.) Schott. Mankachu Araceae Herb MJ-39
12 Aloe vera(L) Burm.f. Gritakumari Aloeaceae Herb MJ-55
13 Alstoniascholaris (L.) R. Br. Chhatim Apocynaceae Tree MJ-51
14 Alternantheraphiloxeroides (Mart.) Griseb. Helencha Amaranthaceae Herb MJ-89
15 Amaranthusspinosus L. Katanotey Amaranthaceae Herb MJ-93
16 Amaranthusviridis L. Notey Amaranthaceae Herb MJ-98
17 Amorphophalluscampanulatus (Roxb.)Bl. ex. Decne. Olkachu Araceae Herb MJ-27
18 Andrographispaniculata Wall ex Nees Kalomegh Acanthaceae Herb MJ-128
19 AnnanassativusSchult.f. Anaras Bromeliaceae Herb MJ-14
20 Anthocephaluschinensis (Lamk.) Rich. exWalp. Kadam Rubiaceae Tree MJ-12
21 Areca catechu L. Shupari Arecaceae Tree MJ-24
22 Argemonemexicana L. Shialkanta Papaveraceae Herb MJ-80
23 ArtocarpusheterophyllusLamk. Kathal Moraceae Tree MJ-85
24 ArtocarpuslacuchaBuch.-Ham Deua Moraceae Tree MJ-79
25 Asparagus racemosusWilld. Shotomuli Liliaceae Climber MJ-40
26 Averrhoacarambola L. Kamranga Oxalidaceae Tree MJ-134
27 Azadirachtaindica A. Juss. Neem Meliaceae Tree MJ-09
28 Bambusaarundinacea (Retz.) Willd Bamboo Poaceae Tree MJ-19
29 Basella alba L. Puishak Basellaceae Climber MJ-96
30 Benincasahispida (Thunb.) Cogn. Chalkumra Cucurbitaceae Climber MJ-06
31 Bombaxceiba L. Shimul Bombacaceae Tree MJ-05
32 Borassusflabellifer L. Taal Arecaceae Tree MJ-142
33 Brassica napus L. Mustard Brassicaceae Herb MJ-120
34 Bryophyllumpinnatum (Lam.) Oken Pathorkuchi Crassulaceae Herb MJ-121
35 Cajanuscajan (L.) Huth. Arhordaal Fabaceae Shrub MJ- 07
36 Calotropisprocera (Aiton) W. T. Aiton ShetAkand Asclepiadaceae Shrub MJ- 69
37 Canna indica L. Kolaboti Cannaceae Herb MJ-50
38 Capsicum frutescens L. Marich Solanaceae Herb MJ-113
39 Carica papaya L. Pepe Caricaceae Tree MJ-83
40 Carissa carandas L. Karomcha Apocynaceae Shrub MJ-52
41 Sennaalata (L.) Roxb. Dadmardan Caesalpiniaceae Shrub MJ-94
42 Cassia fistula L. Bandar lathi Caesalpiniaceae Tree MJ-110
43 Sennasophera (L.) Roxb. Kalkasunde Caeslpiniaceae Shrub MJ-101
44 Celosia cristata L. Morogful Amaranthaceae Herb MJ-91
45 Centellaasiatica (L.) Urban. Thankuni Apiaceae Herb MJ-141
46 Cestrum nocturnum L. Hasnahena Solanaceae Shrub MJ-44
47 Chenopodium album L. Batuashak Chenopodiaceae Herb MJ-81
48 Citrus aurantifolia (Christ.) Sw. Lebu Rutaceae Shrub MJ-117
49 Clerodendrumviscosum Vent. Bhat Verbenaceae Shrub MJ-30
50 Clitoriaternatea L. Oporajita Fabaceae Climber MJ-145
51 Cocciniagrandis (L.) Voigt Telakucha Cucurbitaceae Climber MJ-106
52 Cocosnucifera L. Narikel Arecaceae Tree MJ-140
53 Colocasiaesculenta (L.) Schott. Kochu Araceae Herb MJ-151
54 Commelinabenghalensis L. Kanshira Commelinaceae Herb MJ-43
55 Corchoruscapsularis L. Titapat Tiliaceae Shrub MJ-119
56 Coriandrumsativum L. Dhonepata Apiaceae Shrub MJ- 58
57 Costusspeciosus (Koenig) Sm. Keu Costaceae Herb MJ-16
58 Croton bonplandianusBaill. Croton Euphorbiaceae Herb MJ-139
59 Curcuma longa L. Holud Zingiberaceae Herb MJ-62
60 Curcuma zedoariaRosc. Sothi Zingiberaceae Herb MJ-59
61 CuscutareflexaRoxb. Shornolota Cuscutaceae Climber MJ-10
62 Cynodondactylon (L.) Pers. Durbaghas Poaceae Herb MJ-13
63 Cyperusrotundus L. Mutha Cyperaceae Herb MJ-53
64 Daturametel L. Dhutura Solanaceae Shrub MJ-23
65 Diospyrosmalabarica (Desr.) Kostel Gaab Ebenaceae Tree MJ-87
66 Eclipta alba (L.) Hassk Kalokeshi Asteraceae Herb MJ-66
67 Eichhorniacrassipes (Mart.) Sol.-Lau. Kochuripana Pontederiaceae Herb MJ- 41
68 ElaeocarpusrobustusRoxb. Jolpai Elaeocarpaceae Tree MJ-115
69 EnydrafluctuansLour Helencha Asteraceae Herb MJ-130
70 Erythrinavariegata L. Mother Fabaceae Tree MJ-146
71 Eupatorium triplinerveVahl. Ayapan Asteraceae Shurb MJ-29
72 Euphorbia antiquorum L. Sibgach Euphorbiaceae Shrub MJ-44
73 Euphorbia hirta L. Dudhiya Euphorbiceae Herb MJ-131
74 Feronialimonia (L.) Swingle Kodbel Rutaceae Tree MJ-56
75 Ficusbenghalensis L. Bot Moraceae Tree MJ-74
76 Ficushispida L. f. Khokshadumur Moraceae Tree MJ-35
77 Ficusracemosa L. Jagdumur Moraceae Tree MJ-88
78 Ficusreligiosa L. Pakur Moraceae Tree MJ-26
79 Glinusoppositifolius (L.) A. DC. Gimashak Molluginaceae Herb MJ-33
80 Heliotropiumindicum L. Hatishur Boraginaceae Herb MJ-37
81 Hemidesmusindicus (L.) R. Br. Anantamul Asclepiadaceae Climber MJ- 21
82 Hibiscus rosa-sinensis L. Joba Malvaceae Shrub MJ-99
83 Ipomoea alba L. Dudhkolmi Convolvulaceae Climber MJ-63
84 Ipomoea aquaticaForssk. Kalmishak Convolvulaceae Climber MJ-90
85 Ipomoea batatas (L.) Lamk. Mistialu Convolvulaceae Climber MJ-61
86 Jatrophagossypifolia L. Lalkundu Euphorbiceae Shrub MJ-136
87 Justiciagendarussa L. Jagatmardan Acanthaceae Shrub MJ-22
88 Lablab purpureus (L.) Sweet. Shim Fabaceae Climber MJ-138
89 Lagenariasiceraria (Mol.) Stan. Lau Cucurbitaceae Climber MJ-116
90 Lagerstroemia speciosa (Linn.) Pres. Jarul Lythraceae Tree MJ-32
91 Lasiaspinosa (L.) Thw. Kantakachu Araceae Herb MJ- 70
92 Lawsoniainermis Linn. Mehedi Lythraceae Shrub MJ-147
93 Leonurussibiricus L. Raktodrone Lamiaceae Herb MJ-64
94 Leucasaspera (Willd.) Link. Setodrone Laminaceae Herb MJ-38
95 Leucascephalotes(Roth.) Spreng. Dandakolos Lamiaceae Herb MJ-31
96 Mangiferaindica L. Aam Anacardiaceae Tree MJ-122
97 Mimosa pudica L. Lojjaboti Mimosaceae Climber MJ-95
98 Mimusopselengi L. Bokul Sapotaceae Tree MJ-100
99 Momordicacharantia L. Korolla Cucurbitaceae Climber MJ-125
100 Moringaoleifera Lam. Sojna Moringaceae Tree MJ-108
101 Morusindica L. Tut Moraceae Tree MJ-82
102 Murrayapaniculata (L.) Jack Kamini Rutaceae Shrub MJ-123
103 Musa sapientum Linn. Kola Musaceae Shrub MJ- 42
104 NelumbonuciferaGaertn. Poddo Nelumbonaceae Herb MJ-76
105 Neriumindicum Mill. RaktaKarobi Apocynaceae Shrub MJ-49
106 Nyctanthesarbortristis L. Sheuli Verbenaceae Shrub MJ-11
107 NymphaeanouchaliBurm. f. Sapla Nymphaeaceae Herb MJ-77
108 NymphaeastellataWilld. ChhotoShaluk Nymphaeaceae Herb MJ-78
109 Ocimum sanctum L. Tulshi Lamiaceae Shrub MJ-71
110 Oryza sativa L. Dhan Poaceae Herb MJ-45
111 Oxalis corniculata L. Amrul Oxalidaceae Herb MJ-133
112 Paederiafoetida L. Gandhavaduli Rubiaceae Shrub MJ-129
113 Phoenix sylvestris (L.) Roxb. Khajur Arecaceae Tree MJ-150
114 Phyla nodiflora (L.) Greene BhuiOkar Verbenaceae Herb MJ-149
115 Phyllanthusemblica L. Amloki Euphorbiaceae Tree MJ-124
116 PhyllanthusreticulatusPoir. Chitki Euphorbiaceae Shrub MJ-57
117 Piper betle L. Pan Piperaceae Climber MJ-01
118 Piper longum L. Pipul Piperaceae Climber MJ-75
119 Piper nigrum L. Golmarich Piperaceae Climber MJ- 34
120 Pistiastratiotes L. Topapana Araceae Herb MJ-18
121 Polyalthialongifolia (Sonn.) Thw. Debdaru Annonaceae Herb MJ-02
122 Persicariahydropiper L. PaniMorich Polygonaceae Herb MJ-97
123 Portulacaoleracea L. Nuniashak Portulacaceae Herb MJ-92
124 Psidiumguajava L. Peyara Myrtaceae Tree MJ-126
125 Punicagranatum Linn. Dalim Punicaeae Tree MJ-103
126 RauvolfiaserpentinaBenth. Sarpagandha Apocynaceae Herb MJ-72
127 Ricinuscommunis L. Bherenda Euphorbiaceae Shrub MJ-54
128 RuelliasuffruticosaRoxb. Chotpote Acanthaceae Shrub MJ- 46
129 Saccharumofficinarum L. Aakh Poaceae Shrub MJ-60
130 Saracaindica L. Ashok Caesalpinaceae Tree MJ- 84
131 Sidacordifolia L. Berela Malvaceae Herb MJ-105
132 Solanumnigrum L. Titbegun Solanaceae Herb MJ-65
133 Solanumtorvum Swartz. Hat Begun Solanaceae Shrub MJ-127
134 StreblusasperLour. Sheora Moraceae Tree MJ-86
135 Syzygiumcumini (L.) Skeel. Jam Myrtaceae Tree MJ-107
136 Tageteserecta L. Gendaphul Asteraceae Herb MJ-67
137 Tamarindusindica L. Tetul Caesalpiniaceae Tree MJ-102
138 Terminaliaarjuna (Roxb. ex DC.) Wight &Arn. Arjun Combretaceae Tree MJ- 47
139 Terminaliabillirica (Gaertn.) Roxb. Bahera Combretaceae Tree MJ-111
140 Terminaliachebula (Gaertn.) Retz. Haritaki Combretaceae Tree MJ-08
141 TinosporacordifoliaWilld. Guloncho Menispermaceae Climber MJ-03
142 TrapabispinosaRoxb. Panifol Trapaceae Herb MJ-135
143 Tridaxprocumbens L. Tridhara Asteraceae Herb MJ- 48
144 Vernoniapatula (Dryand.) Merr. Kukshim Asteraceae Hreb MJ-20
145 Vitexnegundo L. Nisinda Verbenaceae shrub or small tree MJ-148
146 Wedeliachinensis (Osbeck) Merr. Mahavingoraj Asteraceae Herb MJ-68
147 Withaniasomnifera (L.) Dunal. Aswagandha Solanaceae Shrub MJ-36
148 Xanthium indicum J. Koenig ex Roxb. Hagra Asteraceae Herb MJ-137
149 Zea mays L. Vutta Poaceae Shurb MJ-143
150 Zingiberofficinale Roscoe. Ada Zingiberaceae Herb MJ-17
151 ZizyphusmauritianaLamk. Boroi Rhamnaceae Tree MJ-132

Table 2: An Asessment of Angiosperm Taxa at the village Jamtala under Sadar Upazila of Chapai Nawabganj district, Bangladesh.


Figure 1: Analysis of data based on habit showed the Angiosperm Flora in Pie Chart.

Based on this study, a preliminary list of angiosperm flora in Jamtala Village under Sadar Upazila of Chapai Nawabganj district, Bangladesh was made that includes 151 angiosperm species under 131 genera and 64 families (Table 1). The collected information is comparable with the result of other studies in Bangladesh. A total of 243 species belonging to 195 genera under 95 families were recorded in Khagrachhari district [2]. A total of 535 species belonged to 370 genera and 103 families are documented in Tekhnaf Wildlife Sanctuary [19]. A total of 425 species belonging to 321 genera 108 families are recorded in Rajshahi district [52,53]. A total of 302 species belonging to 243 genera 84 families are recorded in Bangladesh Police Academy, Rajshahi [11]. No published information recorded on the diversity of angiosperm plant species in Jamtala Village under Sadar Upazila of Chapai Nawabganj district, Bangladesh (Figure 2).


Figure 2: Photographs of important angiosperm plant species in the study area.

Distribution of angiosperm species in the families shows variation. The family Asteraceae, Euphorbiaceae and Moraceae is represented by 8 species in each. Solanaceae is represented by 6 species. Each of Amaranthaceae, Casalpinaceae, Arraceae and Poaceae is represented by 5 species. Acanthaceae, Apocynaceae, Cucurbitaceae, Fabaceae, Rutaceae, and Lamiaceae are represented by 4 species. A single species in each was recorded by 34 families while two to six species in each was recorded by 26 families (Table 1).

Medicinally important weeds: The important medicinal weed species at Jamtala village under Chapai Nawabganj district were highlighted. A total of 34 medicinal plant species belonging to 32 genera and 25 families were collected and recorded for their use in various ailments. Most of the local people in the study area are poor are illiterate. In one hand, these people are out of the reach of modern medicines and on other hand, the market price of most available medicines are very expensive. As a result, these medicinal plants are used by them to cure following the diseases, especially for abscess, asthma, abortion, cough, cold, small pox, dysentery, diarrhea, diabetes, eczema, fever, and itches, jaundice, menstrual disease, paralysis, piles, skin diseases, snake-bite, toothache, worm, wound and others (Table 3).

S/N Plant species Family name Parts used Diseases to be treated
1 Achyranthesaspera L. Amaranthaceae L, B, F Sciatica, abortion, eczema and wound.
2 AcalyphaindicaL. Euphorbiaceae L Skin disease
3 Aloe vera L. Aloeaceae L, M Beautification, tonic, anthelmintic, wound and itches.
4 Amaranthusspinosus L. Amaranthaceae WP Asthma and cold fever.
5 Amaranthusviridis L. Amaranthaceae L Demulcent, diuretic, snake-bite
6 Andrographispaniculata (Burm.f.) Wall. ex Nees Acanthaceae L, WP Wound, ring worm, itches, fever, dysentery, diarrhea and tonic.
7 Argemonemexicana L. Papaveraceae S, R, LA Fever, cold, jaundice, diabetes, tonic, diuretic, pain killer, wound, skin disease and itches.
8 Asparagus racemosus L. Asparagaceae B, R Tonics, blood dysentery, diabetes, jaundice, and diarrhea, promotes lactation in mother, wound and itches.
9 AdhatodavasicaNees. Acanthaceae L, B Cough, asthma, vomiting and worm
10 Bryophyllumpinnatum (Lam.) Oken Crassulaceae L Cold, cough, diabetes, diuretic, blood dysentery and wound.
11 Centellaasiatica (L.) Urban Apiaceae L, WP Dysentery, headache, itches and eczema.
12 Cocciniagrandis L. Cucurbitaceae L, R Fever, diabetes, cough, asthma and dysentery.
13 Calotropisprocera Br. Asclepiadaceae L, R, LA Pain, dysentery and injury,
14 Costusspeciosus Sm. Costaceae Rh Diabetes, high fever
15 Colocasiaesculenta (L.) Schott. Araceae L, T Constipation, colic, digestive,
16 CuscutareflexaL. Cuscutaceae WP Liver disease
17 Daturametel L. Solanaceae L Wound and earache.
18 Eclipta alba (L.) Hassk. Asteraceae L, WP Wound, itches, skin disease, colour of hairs, jaundice, asthma and gall bladder stone.
19 Euphorbia hirtaL. Euphorbiaceae L Bronchitis, cough
20 HeliotropiumindicumL Boraginaceae L Fever, skin disease
21 LeucasasperaL. Lamiaceae L Fever, worm
22 Leucascephalotes (Roth.) Spreng Lamiaceae L, R Asthma, cough
23 Mimosa pudica L. Fabaceae L, R Fever, snake-bite and dysentery
24 Ocimum sanctum L. Lamiaceae L, R Cold, cough, itches, ringworm, earache, wound and fever.
25 Oxalis corniculata L. Oxalidaceae L Cough, scabies, itches, dysentery, anemia, piles, dyspepsia and fever.
26 Persicariahydropiper L. Polygonaceae L Insects-bite
27 Portulacaquadrifida L. Portulacaceae WP Diuretic, dysentery, diseases of liver, spleen, kidney, scurvy, piles
28 RauvolfiaserpentinaBenth. Apocynaceae R Blood pressure, tonic, diarrhea, dysentery, colic and fever.
29 Stephania japonica (Thunb.) Miers. Menispermaceae R, L Astringent, fever, diarrhea, dyspepsia, abscess, vertigo, dysentery
30 Solanumtorvum Swartz. Solanaceae R Menstruation problems, diabetes
31 SpilanthescalvaDC. Asteraceae I Toothache
32 TinosporacordifoliaMiers. Menispermaceae WP, S Stomachic, febrifuge, tonic, fever, skin disease, rheumatism, heart disease, jaundice, burning sensation, colic, dropsy
33 Wedeliachinensis(Osbeck) Merr. Asteraceae WP, L Hair disease, jaundice, fevers, astringent, haemorrhages, toothache, asthma, bronchitis
34 Xanthium indicumKoen ex Roxb Asteraceae WP, S, F, R, L Diabetes, bitter, tonic, cancer, small-pox, snake-bite, insect-bite, ulcers, boils, abscess, herpes

Table 3: Medicinal angiosperm weed species are used by local people at Jamtala village of Chapai Nawabganj District.


The authors are grateful to the local people of Jamtala village under sadar upazila of Chapai Nawabganj district for their cooperation and help during the research work.
