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An Overview of Medicines used in Ancient time’s

Agbonu Zare*

Department of Social, Polytechnic University, Saint-Petersburg, Russia

*Corresponding Author:
Agbonu Zare
Department of Social,
Polytechnic University,
Saint-Petersburg, Russia

Received: 04-Feb-2022, Manuscript No. JSS-22-51513; Editor assigned: 08- Feb-2022, Pre QC No. JSS -22-51513(PQ); Reviewed: 22- Feb-2022, QC No. JSS -22-51513; Accepted: 25-Feb-2022, Manuscript No. JSS -22-51513(A); Published: 04-Mar-2022, DOI: 10.4172/J Social Sciences.8.2.002.

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In ancient time’s experts in medicine used their specialized knowledge to practice drugs, surgery, and a systematic and complex combination of prayers and spells, suggesting a link between science and religion. In the west, for example in the fifth century, BC medicine lost it’s religious and magical element and become more like what we today would call science. At this time, the Greek Hippocrates and others drawing on Egyptian and near-Eastern medical practices produced classifications of symptoms and objective accounts of ill health. Diseases were believed to have natural causes, resulting from an imbalance between four senses of humor or bodily fluids, perhaps caused by the seasons or the elements. Physics and even ethics are the sciences of the day.


Ancient time’s; Egyptian; sciences; Diseases


In ancient times, medicine was practiced with a variety of equipment, methodologies, and materials. Ancient Roman medicine was heavily affected by Greek medicine, but it would eventually make its own contribution to the history of medicine by combining prior knowledge of the Hippocratic Corpus with the use of nutrition, regimen, and surgical methods to heal patients. Ophthalmology and urology were two specialties’ of ancient Roman medicine. Physicians employed a range of surgical procedures for dissection to gain a better understanding of the human anatomy, which included the use of forceps, scalpels, and catheters, among other devices. knowledge who by virtue of their independent economic status and high social position, were believed to be free of subjective biases. It means to be a gentleman, not just being male but having the right manners and character were still required. In medicine, a systematic approach that was receptive to new ideas was urgently needed. It did not appear to be able to give strong evidence, even proof, that a single treatment was beneficial, and weak proof was insufficient to persuade skeptics. The new procedures opened up the possibility of scientific medicine, during which medical knowledge was far more authoritative and dependable than it had been previously. This was because the new science and the new methods it embodied within communicates like the Royal Society seemed to show a way of finding knowledge that could be supported with reliable evidence. These four experts were all experts in medicine, diseases, and therapies, and both were effective and long-lasting and had a significant impact on human history.

Medical knowledge had been changing through the ages often quite radically, but there were few clear signs of progress. The influence of mythology and religion on medical knowledge has come and gone. However, compared to an ordinary person's rational thinking medical knowledge, there have always been physicians with expert medical knowledge. Training and experience areas were still left out. Despite women's significant experience in midwifery and healing, women's wisdom was frequently disregarded and relegated to folk medicine. Despite the new knowledge, common sense remained a strong power in medicine. Even into the modern period, pieces of folk wisdom, such as the belief that treatments are generally located close to the source of diseases, remained essential principles in medicine. The basic characteristics of medical scientific knowledge that emerged were: Medical science investigates specific areas of concern and is defined by dichotomies or dualisms, such as nature, culture, rational, physical, mental, and objective. Science can favor one side of these dualisms, namely objectivity over subjectivity and logical over emotional techniques utilized in scientific endogenous are designed to discover the truth, believing that the major goal of science is to disclose the truth and so create new discoveries.