The data mining can be referred as discovery of relationships in large databases automatically and in some cases it is used for predicting relationships based on the results discovered. Data mining plays an important role in various applications such as business organizations, e-commerce, health care industry, scientific and engineering. In the health care industry, the data mining is mainly used for Disease Prediction. Various data mining techniques are available for predicting diseases namely clustering, classification, association rules, regression and etc. This paper analyses the performance of various classification function techniques in data mining for predicting the heart disease from the heart disease data set. The classification function algorithms used and tested in this work are Logistics, Multi Layer Perception and Sequential Minimal Optimization algorithms. Comparative analysis is done by using Waikato Environment for Knowledge Analysis or in short, WEKA. It is open source software which consists of a collection of machine learning algorithms for data mining tasks. The performance factors used for analysing the efficiency of algorithms are clustering accuracy and error rate. The result shows that logistics classification function efficiency is better than multi layer perception and sequential minimal optimization.
Keywords |
Data mining, Disease prediction, logistics, multi layer perception, sequential minimal optimization. |
Data mining can be defined as the extraction of useful knowledge from large data repositories. Compared with other
data mining application fields, medical data mining plays a vital role and it has some unique characteristics. Data
mining techniques are the result of a long process of research and product development. This evolution began when
business data was first stored on computers, continued with improvements in data access, and more recently, generated
technologies that allow users to navigate through their data in real time. Data mining takes this evolutionary process
beyond retrospective data access and navigation to prospective and proactive information delivery. Data mining is
ready for application in the business community because it is supported by three technologies that are now sufficiently
mature: Massive data collection, Powerful multiprocessor computers and Data mining algorithms. |
The medical data mining has the high potential in medical domain for extracting the hidden patterns in the datasets
[3]. These patterns are used for clinical diagnosis and prognosis. The medical data are widely distributed,
heterogeneous, voluminous in nature. The data should be integrated and collected to provide a user oriented approach
to novel and hidden patterns of the data. A major problem in medical science or bioinformatics analysis is in attaining
the correct diagnosis of certain important information. For an ultimate diagnosis, normally, many tests generally
involve the classification or clustering of large scale data. |
The test procedures are said to be necessary in order to reach the ultimate diagnosis. However, on the other hand,
too many tests could complicate the main diagnosis process and lead to the difficulty in obtaining the end results,
particularly in the case of finding disease many tests are should be performed. This kind of difficulty could be resolved
with the aid of machine learning which could be used directly to obtain the end result with the aid of several artificial
intelligent algorithms which perform the role as classifiers. Classification is one of the most important techniques in
data mining. If a categorization process is to be done, the data is to be classified, and/or codified, and then it can be
placed into chunks that are manageable by a human [12]. |
This paper describes classification function algorithms and it also analyzes the performance of these algorithms. The
performance factors used for analysis are accuracy and error measures. The accuracy measures are True Positive (TP)
rate, F Measure, ROC area and Kappa Statistics. The error measures are Mean Absolute Error (M.A.E), Root Mean
Squared Error (R.M.S.E), Relative Absolute Error (R.A.E) and Relative Root Squared Error (R.R.S.E). |
The rest of this paper is organized as follows. Section 2 describes the review of literature. Section 3 discusses the
classification function algorithms used for predicting the heart disease. Experimental results are analyzed in Section 4
and Conclusions are given in Section 5. |
In [7], the cardiovascular heart disease is predicted by the classification techniques namely artificial neural
networks, RIPPER, decision tree and support vector machine. The author concluded that the support vector machine
performs well when compared to other algorithm because it attains least error rate and highest accuracy. |
In [1] the classification data mining techniques is used for analyzing the performance of an algorithm. The
algorithms used are WAC, naïve bayes, and Apriori. As a result the performance efficiency is evaluated by using
classification matrix. |
In [14], the heart disease is analyzed by neural network approach which includes variable length rate with
momentum and the back propagation algorithm. The author finds that the efficiency is high in classification process by
applying parallel approach which is included in the training phase. |
In [9] the heart attack is predicted by applying association rule mining technique. The proposed algorithm
CBARBSN is based on sequence numbers and clustering of the transactional database. The proposed algorithm
CBARBSN performed well than the existing ARNBSN algorithm. Based on the execution time the performance is
compared. |
In [11] based on the probability of decision support the heart disease is predicted. As a author analyzed that decision
tree performs well and sometimes the accuracy is similar in Bayesian classification. |
Heart disease prediction plays a vital role in data mining because in worldwide most of the death occur in heart
diseases. Medical diagnosis plays an important role and yet complicated task that needs to be executed efficiently and
accurately. To reduce cost for achieving clinical tests an appropriate computer based information and decision support
should be needed. Comparative studies of various techniques are available for an accurate implementation and good
efficient for automated systems. [12] |
The World Health Organization (WHO) analyzed that twelve million deaths occurs worldwide due to Heart
diseases. Many of the deaths occurs in United States and other developed countries due to cardio vascular diseases.
Heart disease is the major causes of different countries include India. In every 34 seconds the heart disease kills one
person. There are various categories in Heart disease but it mainly focuses on three types namely Cardiovascular
Disease, Cardiomyopathy and Coronary heart disease. |
Now a day’s most of the people are affected by heart diseases. There are different types of heart diseases. They are
discussed as follows. |
Coronary Artery Disease: When the combination of fatty material, calcium and scar tissue (plague) builds up
in the arteries that supply the heart with blood through this, the disease should develops. Through these arteries called
the coronary arteries, the heart muscle (myocardium) gets the oxygen and other nutrients it needs to pump blood.
Coronary artery disease is America's No.1 killer, affecting more than 13 million Americans. Enlarged Heart
(Cardiomegaly): A heart condition that causes the heart to become larger than normal as a result of heart disease.
Cardiomegaly is most often linked to high blood pressure, but it can also occur as a result of other heart conditions,
such as congestive heart failure, and other non-cardiac causes such as long-term anemia [17]. Heart Attack: A heart
attack is the death of, or damage to, part of the heart muscle because the supply of blood to the heart muscle is severely
reduced or stopped. |
Heart Valve Disease: Valvular heart disease refers to several disorders and diseases of the heart valves, which
are the tissue flaps that regulate the flow of blood through the chambers of the heart. Congenital Heart Disease:
Congenital heart disease refers to a problem with the heart's structure and function due to abnormal heart development
before birth. Congenital means present at birth [17]. |
A. Data Source |
In order to compare the data mining classification techniques Cleveland cardiovascular disease dataset from UCI
repository was used [5]. This dataset has 13 attributes and 303 instances. These data are analyzed in Weka tool
[16].The attributes are |
B. Classification Function Algorithms |
Classification algorithm plays an important role in heart disease prediction. In this paper we have analyzed three
Classification Function Algorithms. The algorithms are namely logistic function, Multilayer perceptron function and
Sequential Minimal Optimization. |
1. SMO |
The SMO class implements the sequential minimal optimization algorithm, which analyzed this type of classifier
[4]. It is one of the highest methods for learning support vector machines. Sequential minimal optimization is often
slow to compute the solution, particularly when the data items are not linearly separable in the space span by the
nonlinear mapping. This should be happen, because of noise data. Both accuracy and run time depend critically on the
values that are given to two parameters: the degree of polynomials in the non-linear mapping (–E) and the upper bound
on the coefficients values in the equation for the hyper plane (–C). By default both are set to be 1. The best settings for
a heart disease dataset can be found only by experimentation [4]. |
Algorithm 1: SMO |
1. Input: C, kernel, kernel parameters, epsilon |
2. Initialize b and all α’s to 0 |
3. Repeat until KKT(Karush-Kuhn-Tucker) satisfied (to within epsilon): |
– Find an example e1 that violates KKT (prefer unbound
examples here, choose randomly among those) |
– Choose a second example e2. Prefer one to maximize step
size (in practice, faster to just maximize |E1 – E2|). If that
fails to result in change, randomly choose unbound
example. If that fails, randomly choose example. If that
fails, re-choose e1. |
– Update α1 and α2 in one step |
– Compute new threshold b |
2. Multi Layer Perceptron |
Multilayer Perceptron classifier is based on back propagation algorithm to classify instances of data. The network
is created by an MLP algorithm. The network can also be modified and monitored during training phase. The nodes in
this neural network are all sigmoid. The back propagation neural network is referred as the network of simple
processing elements working together to produce an output. The multilayer feed-forward neural network should be
learned by performing the back propagation algorithm. It should be learned by a set of weights for predicting the class
label of tuples. The neural network consists of three layers namely input layer, one or more hidden layers, and an
output layer [15]. |
Each layer should be made up of units. The input layer of the network correspond to the attributes should be
measured for each training values. To make input layer, the inputs are fed simultaneously into the units. These inputs
are passed through the input layer and are then weighted and fed simultaneously to a second layer of neuron like units,
which is known as a hidden layer. The outputs of the hidden layer units can be input to another hidden layer, and so on.
The number of hidden layers is arbitrary, although in practice, usually only one is used [6]. At the core, back
propagation is simply an efficient and exact method for calculating all the derivatives of a single target quantity (such
as pattern classification error) with respect to a large set of input quantities (such as the parameters or weights in a
classification rule) [15]. To improve the classification accuracy we should reduce the training time of neural network
and reduce the number of input units of the network [13]. |
Algorithm 2: MLP |
1. Apply an input vector and calculate all activations, a and u |
2. Evaluate Dk for all output units via: |
Δi(t) = (di(t) – yi(t))g’(ai(t)) |
(Note similarity to perceptron learning algorithm) |
3. Backpropagate Dks to get error terms d for hidden layers using: |
δi(t) = g’(ui(t))Σk Δk(t)wki |
4. Evaluate changes using: |
vij(t+1) = vij(t) + ηδi(t) xj(t) |
wij(t+1) = wij (t) + ηΔi(t) zj(t) |
3. Logistic Function: |
The term regression can be defined as the measuring and analyzing the relation between one or more independent
variable and dependent variable [18]. Regression can be defined by two categories; they are linear regression and
logistic regression. Logistic regression is a generalized by linear regression [8]. It is mainly used for estimating binary
or multi-class dependent variables and the response variable is discrete, it cannot be modeled directly by linear
regression i.e. discrete variable changed into continuous value. Logistic regression basically is used to classify the low
dimensional data having non linear boundaries. It also provides the difference in the percentage of dependent variable
and provides the rank of individual variable according to its importance. So, the main motto of Logistic regression is to
determine the result of each variable correctly Logistic regression is also known as logistic model/ logit model that
provide categorical variable for target variable with two categories such as light or dark, slim/ healthy. |
Algorithm 3: Logistic |
1. Suppose we represent the hypothesis itself as a logistic
function of a linear combination of inputs: |
h(x)=1 / 1 + exp(wTx) |
This is also known as a sigmoid neuron. |
2. Suppose we interpret |
h(x) as P(y=1|x) |
3. Then the log-odds ratio, |
ln (P(y=1|x)/P(y=0|x))=wT x which is linear |
4. The optimum weights will maximize the conditional
likelihood of the outputs, given the inputs. |
A. Accuracy Measure |
The following table shows the accuracy measure of classification techniques. They are the True Positive rate, Fmeasure,
Receiver Operating Characteristics (ROC) Area and Kappa Statistics. The TP Rate is the ratio of play cases
predicted correctly cases to the total of positive cases. . It is a probability corrected measure of agreement between the
classifications and the true classes. It is calculated by taking the agreement expected by chance away from the observed
agreement and dividing by the maximum possible agreement. F Measure is a way of combining recall and precision
scores into a single measure of performance. Recall is the ratio of relevant documents found in the search result to the
total of all relevant documents [2]. Precision is the proportion of relevant documents in the results returned. ROC Area
is a traditional to plot this same information in a normalized form with 1-false negative rate plotted against the false
positive rate. |
From the graph, this work analyzed that, TP rate accuracy of logistic function performs better when compared to
other algorithms. When compared to F Measure accuracy logistic function produced better results than MLP and SMO.
The ROC Area of the point attains the highest accuracy in logistic function algorithm. At last the accuracy measure of
Kappa statistics performs better in logistic function than other algorithm. As a result the logistic function performs
better accuracy than multilayer perceptron and sequential minimal optimization. |
B. Error Rate |
The table 2 shows the Error rate of classification techniques. They are the Mean Absolute Error (M.A.E), Root
Mean Square Error (R.M.S.E), Relative Absolute Error (R.A.E) and Root Relative Squared Error (R.R.S.R) [10]. The
mean absolute error (MAE) is defined as the quantity used to measure how close predictions or forecasts are to the
eventual outcomes. The root mean square error (RMSE) is defined as frequently used measure of the differences
between values predicted by a model or an estimator and the values actually observed. It is a good measure of accuracy,
to compare the forecasting errors within a dataset as it is scale-dependent. Relative error is a measure of the uncertainty
of measurement compared to the size of the measurement. |
The root relative squared error is defined as a relative to what it would have been if a simple predictor had been
used. More specifically, this predictor is just the average of the actual values. Thus, the relative squared error manipulates by taking the total squared error and normalizes it by dividing by the total squared error of the simple
predictor. One reduces the error to the same dimensions as the quantity by taking the square root of the relative squared
error is being predicted. |
From the graph, it is observed that SMO and MLP attains highest error rate. Therefore the logistic function
algorithm performs well because it contains least error rate when compared to multilayer perceptron (MLP) and
sequential minimal optimization (SMO) algorithm. |
There are different data mining techniques that can be used for the identification and prevention of heart disease among
patients. In this paper, three classification function techniques in data mining are compared for predicting heart disease.
They are function based Logistic, Mutilayer perceptron and Sequential Minimal Optimization algorithm. By analyzing
the experimental results, it is observed that the logistic classification function technique turned out to be best classifier
for heart disease prediction because it contains more accuracy and least error rate. In future we tend to improve
performance efficiency by applying other data mining techniques and optimization techniques. It is also enhanced by
reducing the attributes for the heart disease dataset. |
Tables at a glance |
Table 1 |
Table 2 |
Figures at a glance |
Figure 1 |
Figure 2 |
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Mrs. Dr. S.Vijayarani has completed MCA and M.Phil in Computer Science. She is
working as Assistant Professor in the School of Computer Science and Engineering,
Bharathiar University, Coimbatore. Her fields of research interest are data mining,
privacy, security issues and data streams. She has published papers in the international
journals and presented research papers in international and national conferences. |
Ms. S.Sudha has completed M.Sc in Software Systems. She is currently pursuing her
M.Phil in Computer Science in the School of Computer Science and Engineering,
Bharathiar University, Coimbatore. Her fields of interest are privacy in data mining. |