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Discussion of Biological Control on Fusarium Oxysporum

Stephanie Stella*

Department of Botany, Lagos State University Ojo, Lagos, Nigeria


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                                                    Stephanie Stella
                                                    Department of Botany, Lagos State University Ojo, Lagos, Nigeria

Received date: 01/07/2021; Accepted date: 15/07/2021; Published date: 22/07/2021

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The Fusarium Oxysporum species complex ranges strains ubiquitously present in soils. The microbes in Fusarium Oxysporum suppressive soils is often done by sterilizing the soil following subsequent re-inoculation with the initial microbes and screening for isolates that restore the suppressive effect against Fusarium. Fusarium Oxysporum endophytes like Fo47 and CS-20 differ from Fusarium Oxysporum pathogens in their effector gene content, host colonization mechanism, location within the plant, and induced hostresponses. The flexibility of pathogenic strains to compromise immune signaling and necrobiosis is probably going because of their host-specific effector repertoire. The lower number of effector genes in endophytes as compared to pathogens provides a way to tell apart them from one another sap proteome composition. [1]

These chemicals can prevent infection, but don't cure a plant once infected. The heat sterilization of soils overcomes a number of these drawbacks, but it has the disadvantage that it's non-selective and it can have undesired effects on soil quality. Use of resistant plant varieties, e.g. plants carrying resistance genes is currently the foremost effective in terms of economy, ecology, and disease control. An improved understanding of the molecular mechanisms underlying bio control conferred by endophytic For strains may help to unleash the total potential that these organisms harbor to manage disease conferred. We assess the differences between pathogenic and endophytic strains at their root colonization behavior, at the genome level and therefore the responses they trigger in plants. Endophyte-mediated bio control consists of two components. The primary is predicated on a right away activity on the pathogenic strain via parasitism and antibiosis. [2]

During this chapter, we compare the foundation colonization process of endophytes therewith of pathogens. In our comparison we include colonization of ‘incompatible interactions’ within which a pathogenic strain colonizes a resistant host, which doesn't lead to disease emergence. Upon germination, both endophytes and pathogens colonize the basis surfaces of host and nonhost plants. Contact with the foundation triggers hyphal branching, after which produces hyphal swellings to invade the basis. In most of the cases; intracellular growth is noticeable together with local host cell-death, a phenomenon observed more often among non-pathogenic strains. [3]

The broad-spectrum biocides wont to fumigate soil before planting, particularly bromide, are environmentally damaging. The foremost cost effective, environmentally safe method of control is that the use of resistant cultivars, when these are available. For instance, all the forms of tomato grown in glasshouses for fresh fruit production are immune to the common races of F. oxysporum f. sp. lycopersici. Breeding for resistance is very difficult when no gene is thought or if the host is dioecious. Additionally, new races of the pathogen can develop which overcome host resistance. Fusarium has stimulated the biological control of wilt independently of the recent concern for environmental protection.


  1. Gordon TR and Martyn RD. The evolutionary biology of Fusarium oxysporum. Annual Review of Phytopathol. 1997; 35: 111–28.
  2. Donnell K and Cigelnik E. Two divergent intragenomic r DNA ITS2 types within a monophyletic lineage of the fungus Fusarium are non-orthologous. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution. 1997; 7: 103-16.
  3. Appel DJ and Gordon TR. Local and regional variation in populations of Fusarium oxysporum from agricultural field soils. Phytopathol. 1994; 84: 786-91