Digital data unruffled for forensics analysis often contain expensive information about the suspects’ social networks. However, most collected records are in the form of amorphous textual data, such as e-mails, chat messages, and text documents. An investigator often has to manually extract the useful information from the text and then enter the important pieces into a structured database for further investigation by using various criminal network analysis tools. Obviously, this information extraction process is monotonous and error-prone. Moreover, the quality of the analysis varies by the experience and expertise of the investigator. In this paper, we propose a systematic method to discover criminal networks from a collection of text documents obtained from a suspect’s machine, extract useful information for investigation, and then visualize the suspect’s criminal network. Furthermore, we present a hypothesis generation approach to identify potential indirect relationships among the members in the identified networks. We evaluate the usefulness and recital of the method on a real-life cybercriminal case and some other datasets.
Keywords |
Textual data, unstructured data, criminal network, cybercriminal. |
In many criminal cases, computer devices owned by the suspect, such as desktops, notebooks, and smart phones, are
target objects for forensic seizure. These devices may not only contain important evidences relevant to the case under
investigation, but they may also have important information about the social networks of the suspect, by which other
criminals may be identified. Most collected digital evidence are often in the form of textual data, such as e-mails, chat
logs, blogs, web pages, and text documents. Due to the unstructured nature of such textual data, investigators usually
employ some off-the- shelf search tools to identify and extract useful information from the text, and then manually
enter the useful pieces into a well-structured database for further investigation. Obviously, this manual process is
tedious and error- prone; the completeness of a search and the quality of an analysis pretty much relies on the
experience and expertise of the investigators. Important information may be missed if a criminal intends to hide it. |
In this paper, we propose a data mining method to discover criminal communities and extract useful information for
investigation from a collection of text documents obtained from a suspect’s machine. The objective to help
investigators efficiently identifies relevant information from a large volume of unstructured textual data. The method is
especially useful in the early stage of an investigation when investigators may have little clued to begin with. |
The computer devices owned by suspect are intention objects for forensic convulsion, these devices does not contain
important evidences related to the case by which other criminals may be identified. Most collected data’s are in the
form of textual document, which are in the form of e-mails, chat logs, blogs, web pages, text documents . |
Criminal network analysis has customary great attention from researchers. a unbeaten application of data mining
techniques to extract criminal relations from a large volume of police department’s incident summaries. they use the
co-occurrence frequency to determine the weight of relationships between pairs of criminals. yang and ng (2007)
present a method to extract criminal networks from web sites that provide blogging services by using a topic-specific
exploration mechanism. In their come close to, they identify the actors in the network by using web crawlers (program that collects online documents and allusion links) that search for blog subscribers who participated in a discussion
related to some criminal topics. After the network is constructed, they use some text classification techniques to
analyze the content of the documents. Finally they propose a visualization of the network that allows for either a
concept network view or a social network view. Our work is different from these works in three aspects. |
First, our study focuses on unstructured textual data obtained from a suspect’s hard drive, not from a well- structured
police database. Second, our method can discover high-flying communities consisting of any size, i.e., not limited to
pairs of criminals. Third, while most of the previous works focus on identifying direct relationships, the methods
presented in this paper can also identify indirect relationships. |
A criminal network follows a social network archetype. Thus, the approaches used for social network analysis can be
adopted in the case of criminal networks. Clustering is often used to perceive the crime pattern and speed up the course
of action. Many studies have introduced various approaches to construct a social network from text documents. A
framework to extract social networks from text document that are available on the web. A method to rank companies
based on the social networks extracted from web pages. These approaches rely mainly on web mining techniques to
search for the actors in the social networks from web documents. |
Another direction of social network studies targets some specific type of text documents such as e-mails. propose a
probabilistic approach that not only identifies communities in email messages but also extracts the relationship
information using semantics to label the relationships. However, the method is applicable to only e-mails and the actors
in the network are limited to the authors and recipients of the e-mails. Researchers in the field of knowledge discovery
have proposed methods to scrutinize relationships between terms in text documents in a forensic context. A concept
association graph-based approach to search for the best evidence trail across a set of documents that connects two given
topics. In passed research they proposed the open and closed discovery algorithms to extract evidence paths between
two topics that occur in the document set but not necessarily in the same document. The open discovery approach to
search for keywords provided by the user and return documents containing other different but related topics. They
further apply clustering techniques to rank the results and present the user with clusters of new information that are
conceptually related to their initial query terms. Their open discovery approach searches for novel links between
concepts from the web with the goal of improving the results of web queries. In contrast, this paper focuses on
extracting information for investigation from text files. |
A. Communities discovery from unstructured textual data |
Several social network analysis tools are available to support investigators in the analysis of criminal networks.
However, these tools often assume that the input is a structured database. So, structured data is often not available in
real-life investigations. Instead, the available input is usually a collection of unstructured textual data. Our first
contribution is to provide an end-to-end solution to automatically discover, analyse, and visualize criminal communities
from unstructured textual data. |
B. Introduction of the notion of prominent communities. |
In the context of this paper, two or more persons form a community if their names appear together in at least one
investigated document. A community is prominent if its associated names frequently appear together in some minimum
number of documents, which is a user- specified threshold. We propose a method to discover all prominent
communities and measure the closeness among the members in these communities. To measure the closeness between
the communities clustering techniques is used which helps in identifying the centroid location and flanking distance
appraise. |
C. Generation of indirect relationship hypotheses. |
The philosophy of well-known community and convenience among its members detain the direct relationships among
the persons identified in the investigated documents. Our recent work presents a prelude study on direct relationships.
In many cases, indirect relationships are also interesting since they may reveal buried relationships. For example,
person a and person b are indirectly related if both of them have mentioned a meeting at hotel x in their written e-mails,
even though they may not have any direct communications. We present a method to generate all indirect relationship
hypotheses with a maximum, user- specified, depth. 4. Scalable computation. |
The computations of prominent communities and closeness from the investigated text document set is non-trivial. A
naive approach is to enumerate all 2juj combinations of communities and scan the document set to determine the
prominent communities and the closeness, where juj is the number of distinct personal names identified in the input
document set. Our proposed method achieves scalable totalling by efficiently pruning the non- prominent communities
and examining the closeness of the ones that can potentially be prominent. The scalability of our method is supported
by experimental fallout .by doing so we can increase the efficiency and reduce the error also can assist police work and
enable investigators to distribute their time to other valuable errands. |
Step 1: Let D be a set of documents. |
Step 2: Let U be a set of distinct names identified in D |
Step 3: Let C4U be a prominent community and p ˛ (U ? C) be a person name that is not in C. |
Step 4: Let D denote the set of documents containing the enclosed argument where the enclosed argument can be a
community, a personal name, or a text term. |
Step 5: Let D(C) and D(p) be the sets of documents in D that contain C and p, respectively. An indirect relationship of |
depth d between C and p is defined by a sequence of terms [t1,., td] such that |
D(C) X D (p) ¼ |
ðt1˛DðCÞÞ^ðtd˛DðpÞÞ |
ðtr˛Dðtr?1ÞÞ^ðtr˛Dðtrþ1ÞÞ for 1 < r < d |
D(tr ? 1) X D(tr þ 1) ¼ |
for 1 < r < d |
Step 6: End. |
Condition (1) requires that a prominent community C and a personal name p do not co-occur in any document.
Condition (2) states that the first term t1must occur in at least one document containing C and the last term must occur
in at least one document containing p. Condition (3) requires that the intermediate terms co-occur with the previous
term in at least one document, and must co-occur with the next term 1ine at least one document. This requirement
defines the chain of documents linking C and p. Condition (4) requires that the previous term and the next term do not
co-occur in any document. The problem of indirect relationship hypothesis generation is formally defined as follows:
Let D be a set of text documents. Let U be the set of distinct personal names identified in D. Let G be the set of
prominent communities discovered in D according to Definition 3.2. The problem of indirect relationship hypothesis
generation is to identify all indirect relationships of maximum depth max_depth between any prominent community C ˛
G and any personal name p ˛ U in D, where max_depth is a user-specified positive integer threshold. |
The proposed algorithm is implemented with MATLAB. The dataset File system contains 40 GB of files obtained
from the first author’s personal computer. As the minimum support threshold increases, the number of high-flying
communities quickly decreases because the number of documents containing all members in a community decreases
very quickly. Next, we weigh up the scalability of our proposed methods by measuring its runtime. The evaluation is
con- ducted on a PC with Intel 3 GHz Core2 Duo with 3 GB of RAM, with respect to the size of the document set
which varies from 10 GB to 40 GB with min_sup ¼ 8. The program takes 1430 s to complete the entire process for 40
GB of data, excluding the time spent on reading the document files from the hard drive. As shown in the figure, the
total run- time is dominated by prominent community discovery procedure. The runtime of the indirect relationship
cohort and hallucination procedures is insignificant with respect to the total runtime. |
We have proposed an approach to discover and analyse criminal networks in a collection of investigated text
documents. Previous studies on criminal network analysis mainly focus on analysing links between criminals in
structured police data. As a result of extensive discussions with a digital forensics team of a law enforcement unit, we
have introduced the notion of high-flying criminal communities and an efficient data mining method to viaduct the gap
of extracting criminal networks information and unstructured textual data. Furthermore, our proposed methods can
discover both direct and indirect relationships among the members in a criminal community. The developed software
tool has been evaluated by an experienced crime investigator and future work can be concentrated on predicting crime
network using Density based approach in order to condense missing values. |
Figures at a glance |
Figure 1 |
Figure 2 |
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