Online social networks have experienced tremendous growth in recent years and become a de facto portal for hundreds of millions of Internet users. These online social networks offer attractive means for digital social interactions and information sharing, but also move up a number of privacy and security issues. While online social networks allow users to control access to shared data, they presently do not provide any mechanism to enforce privacy concerns over data associated with many users. To this end, we propose an approach to enable the protection of shared data associated with multiple users in online social networks. We prepare an access control model to take into custody the essence of multiparty authorization requirements, along with a policy enforcement mechanism and a multiparty policy specification system. This paper we going study about model and mechanism systems in analysis of multiparty access control. The correctness of realization of an access control model is based on the premise that the access control model is valid...We pursue an efficient solution to facilitate collaborative management of common data in OSNs. We begin by investigate how the lack of multiparty access control for data sharing in OSNs can undermine the protection of user data. Some distinctive data sharing patterns with respect to multiparty authorization in OSNs are also identified. We make official a Multiparty Access Control (MPAC) model for OSNs
Keywords |
OSNs, access control model, multiparty authorization requirements, multiparty policy specification
scheme, a policy enforcement mechanism, Multiparty Access Control (MPAC) |
Online social networks (OSNs) such as Facebook, Twitter , and Google+ are inherently designed to enable people to
share personal and public information and make social connections with coworkers, family, friends, colleagues, and
even with strangers. In Facebook users can allow groups, friends, and friends of friends or public to right to use their
data, depending on their personal authorization and privacy requirements. Although Online social networks presently
provide simple access control mechanisms allowing users to govern access to information contained in their own
spaces, users, unfortunately, have no power over data residing outside their spaces. Such as, if a user posts a comment
in a friend’s space, he/she cannot specify which users can view the comment. |
Existing System |
OSNs currently provide simple access control mechanisms allowing users to govern access to information
contained in their own spaces, users, unfortunately, have no power over data residing outside their spaces. Such as, if a
user posts a comment in a friend’s space, he/she cannot specify which users can view the comment. In another case,
while a user uploads tags and the photograph friends who appear in the photograph, the tagged friends cannot restrict
who can see this photograph, even though the tagged friends may have different privacy concerns about the photo. To
address such a serious issue, beginning protection mechanisms have been offered by existing online social networks
(OSNs). |
• Access to a resource is granted while the requestor is able to demonstrate of being authorized. |
• Every user in the group can access the shared content. |
• Not give any mechanism to enforce privacy concerns over data associated with multiple users |
• if a user posts a comment in a friend’s space, he/she cannot specify which users can view the comment |
• while a user uploads a photo and tags friends who appear in the photograph, the tagged friends cannot
restrict who can see this photograph |
Proposed System |
Our solution is to support the analysis of multiparty access control model and mechanism systems. The correctness of
execution of an access control model is based on the premise that the access control model is suitable. Moreover, while
the use of multiparty access control mechanism can greatly enhance the flexibility for regulating data sharing in Online
social networks (OSNs), it may potentially reduce the certainty of system authorization consequences due to the reason
that authorization and privacy conflicts need to be resolved elegantly. We specially analyze the scenario like content
sharing to understand the risks posted by the lack of collaborative control in online social networks (OSNs). |
Proposed System Advantages |
• It checks the access request against the policy specified for every user and yields a decision for the access. |
• The use of multiparty access control mechanism can greatly enhance the flexibility for regulating data sharing
in online social networks |
• present any mechanism to enforce privacy concerns over data associated with many users |
• if a user posts a comment in a friend’s space, he/she can specify which users can view the comment |
A.Representing and Reasoning |
We propose a systematic method to represent XACML policies in answer set programming (ASP), a declarative
programming paradigm oriented towards combinatorial search problems and knowledge intensive applications.
Compared to a few existing approaches to formalizing XACML policies. our formal representation is more
straightforward and can cover more XACML features. Furthermore, translating XACML to ASP allows us to leverage
off-the-shelf ASP solvers for a variety of analysis services such as policy verification, comparison and querying. In
addition, in order to support reasoning about role-based authorization constraints, we introduce a general specification
scheme for RBAC constraints along with a policy analysis framework, which facilitates the analysis of constraint
violations in XACML-based RBAC policies. The expressivity of ASP, such as ability to handle default reasoning and
represent transitive closure, helps manage XACML and RBAC constraints that cannot be handled in other logic-based
approaches . We also overview our tool XACML2ASP and conduct experiments with real-world XACML policies to
evaluate the effectiveness and efficient of our solution |
B.Requirements for Web 2.0 Security and Privacy |
The increased social networking capabilities provided by Web 2.0 technologies requires a examination of what we
consider "private" and what we consider "personal" information, and will consequently drive a new way of limiting and
monitoring the information that we make public online. Web 2.0 applications are creating large, composite
conglomerations of personal data and so we need new approaches to describe and execute access organize on that data.
"Private" information at present tends to be insecurely defined by legislation, rather than by what individuals consider
to be personal. Generic information such as a person's home address and phone number are normally considered
personally identical information (PII) and are to be protected when collected and stored by an organization in addition,
the use and release of exact data, such as medical or financial information, is restricted legislatively. However, It also
exists information that an individual may consider to be personal, and want to let loose only to people meeting
particular criteria (such as people attending the same school) or particular people (such as close friends). Thus
someone might want to control portions of their digital life in the same manner that they control what information is
released in their analog life. In the world, a person can choose to tell someone or some group some piece of information
about themselves. On the other hand, it is often the case that in the online world these controls do not exist, most
important to de facto public disclosure. |
A.Collaborative Face Recognition for Improved Face Annotation in Personal Photo Collections Shared on Online
Social Networks |
We propose a novel collaborative face recognition frame work, improving the accuracy of face annotation by
effectively making use of multiple face recognition engines available in online social networks. Our collaborative face recognition framework consists of two major parts: merging (or fusion) and selection of face recognition engines of
multiple face recognition results. The selection of face recognition engines aims at determining a set of modified face
recognition engines that are suitable for recognizing query face images belonging to a particular member of the Online
social networks. For this purpose, we use both social network context in an online social networks and social context in
personal photograph collections. In addition, to take advantage of the availability of multiple face recognition results
retrieved from the selected face recognition engines, we devise two effective solutions for merging face recognition
results, adopting traditional techniques for combining multiple classifier outputs. Experiments were conducted using
547 991 personal photographs collected from an existing Online social networks. Our results demonstrate that the
proposed collaborative face recognition method is able to significantly improve the accuracy of face annotation,
compared to conventional face recognition approaches that only make use of a single face recognition engine. Further,
we demonstrate that our collaborative face recognition framework has a low computational cost and comes with a
design that is suited for deployment in a decentralized online social network. |
B.Protection model and policy language: |
Social Network Systems pioneer a paradigm of access control that is distinct from traditional approaches to access
control. The Gates coined the term Relationship-Based Access Control (ReBAC) to refer to this paradigm.
Relationship-Based Access Control is characterized by the explicit tracking of interpersonal relationships between
users, and the expression of access control policies in terms of these relationships. This work explores what it takes to
widen the applicability of Relationship-Based Access Control to application domains other than social computing. We
prepare an archetypical Relationship-Based Access Control model to capture the essence of the standard, that is,
authorization decisions are based on the relationship between the resource owner and the resource accessor in a social
network maintained by the security system. A novelty of the model is that it captures the contextual nature of
associations. We work out a policy language, based on modal logic, for composing access control policies that support
delegation of trust. We use a case study in the domain of Electronic Health Records to demonstrate the utility of our
model and its policy language. This provides initial evidence to the feasibility and utility of Relationship-Based Access
Control as a general-purpose paradigm of access control. |
C. Multiparty Authorization Framework for Data Sharing and An Active Detection of Identity Clone Attacks |
We propose a multiparty authorization framework (MAF) to model and realize multiparty access control in online
social networks. We begin by examining how the lack of multiparty access control for data sharing in online social
networks can undermine the security of user data. A multiparty authorization model is then formulated to capture the
core features of multiparty authorization requirements which have not been accommodated so far by existing access
control systems and models for online social networks. In Meanwhile, as conflicts are inevitable in multiparty
authorization specification and enforcement, systematic conflict resolution mechanism is also addressed to cope with
authorization and privacy conflicts in our framework. We first examine and characterize the behaviors of ICAs. Then
we propose a detection framework that is focused on discovering suspicious identities and then validating them.
Towards detecting suspicious identities, we propose two approaches based on attribute similarity and similarity of
friend networks. The first approach addresses a simpler scenario where mutual friends in friend networks are
considered; and the second one captures the scenario where similar friend identities are concerned. We also current
experimental results to demonstrate flexibility and effectiveness of the proposed approaches. Finally, Some feasible
solutions to validate suspicious identities. |
MPAC Model: |
OSN can be represented by a relationship network. OSNs provide each member a Web space where users can
store and manage their personal data including profile information, friend list and content. Indeed, a flexible access
control mechanism in a multi-user environment like OSNs should allow multiple controllers, who are associated with
the shared data, to specify access control policies. We identified previously in the sharing patterns, in addition to the
other controllers, owner of data including the stakeholder, contributor and disseminator of data, need to regulate the
access of the shared data as well |
We define these controllers as follows: |
Definition 1: (Owner). Let d be a data item in the space of a user u in the social network. The user u is called the
owner of d. |
Definition 2: (Contributor). Let d be a data item published by a user u in someone else’s space in the social network.
The user u is called the contributor of d. |
Definition 3: (Stakeholder). Let d be a data item in the space of a user in the social network. Let T be the set of tagged
users associated with d. A user u is called a stakeholder of d, if u ∈ T |
Definition 4: (Disseminator). Let d be a data item shared by a user u from someone else’s space to his/her space in the
social network. The user u is called a disseminator of d. |
MPAC Policy Specification: |
The MPAC policies |
(1) “Alice authorizes her friends to view her status identified by status01 with a medium sensitivity level, where Alice
is the owner of the status.” |
(2) “Bob authorizes users who are his colleagues or in hiking group to view a photo, summer.jpg, that he is tagged in
with a high sensitivity level, where Bob is
a stakeholder of the photo.” |
(3) “Carol disallows Dave and Edward to watch a video, play.avi, that she uploads to someone else’s spaces with a
highest sensitivity level, where Carol is the contributor of the video.” |
are expressed as: |
1) p1 = (Alice,OW, {< friendOf,RN >},
< status01, 0.50 >, permit) |
(2) p2 = (Bob, ST, {< colleageOf,RN >,
< hiking,GN >},< summer.jpg, 0.75 >, permit) |
(3) p3 = (Carol,CB, {< Dave,UN >,
< Edward,UN >},< play.avi, 1.00 >, deny) |
A methodology is the process of acquiring communication traces in large scale parallel application. |
Modules Name:Authentication (login /Registration), Profile, Friends, Send request, Group, Photos |
In this module user make our profile that details store in database the profile contains name, contact no, and email
address, photos, and other information. Logged users can see their details and if they wish to change any of their
information they can edit it. |
In this module user select friend to send request. logged user view request accept our friend request |
In this module user add new photo and publish the content based on our selected members in that group. Who appear in
the photo, the tagged friends can restrict who can see this photo if ( user = = Allow) that User will be allowed to access
the data’s Else User will be not allowed to access the data’s This module enables the user to upload the photos to their
photo gallery and maintain their album. |
We define security to the application where the data which is being shared by the owner in the wall of the friends
profile is restricted to share in his wall based on the sharing policy defined by the owner. |
In our multiparty access control system for model and mechanism, a group of users could collude with one another
so as to manipulate the final access control decision. An attack scenarios, anywhere a set of malicious users may want
to make a shared photo available to a wider audience. Suppose they can access the photo, and then they all tag
themselves or fake their identities to the photo. In addition, they collude with each other to assign a very low sensitivity
level for the photo and specify policies to grant a wider audience to access the photo with a large number of colluding
users, the photo may be disclosed to those users who are not expected to gain the access. To prevent such an attack
scenario from occurring, three conditions need to be satisfied: (1) there is no fake identity in OSNs; (2) all tagged users
are real users appeared in the photo; and (3) all controllers of the photo are honest to specify their privacy preferences. |
Figures at a glance |
Figure 1 |
Figure 2 |
Figure 3 |
Figure 4 |
Figure 5 |
Figure 6 |
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