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Novel Approach to Generate Signature Preventing Network Attack as Unsupervised Detection

Priti B.Dhanke1 and Pratibha Mishra2
  1. Student (M.Tech) G.H. Raisoni Institute of Engineering &Technology for women, Nagpur, India
  2. Assistant Professor, G.H. Raisoni Institute of Engineering &Technology for women, Nagpur, India
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At present days, it is a challenging job to detect network attacks as an unsupervised detection. Various methods proposed to work the problem regarding network attack and determine a solution using specialized signatures, but technique is expensive to follow out and hard to generate labeled traffic data sets for profiling. In this study, we focus on unsupervised approach to detect new kinds of network attacks not seen before. Clustering technique is used to find out inconsistent traffic flows. Clustering algorithm is applied for constructing specific filtering rules automatically so that it can characterize different attacks as well as provides easy interpreted information to the network operator. More ever rules united to make a signature, which can directly exported/transfer towards security devices like IDSs and/or Firewalls. This approach finds different attack without knowledge of traffic. Unsupervised Network Anomaly Detection Algorithm is used for knowledge-independent detection of anomalous traffic. UNADA uses a novel clustering technique based on Sub-Space-Density clustering to identify clusters and outliers in multiple low-dimensional spaces. The evidence of traffic structure provided by these multiple clustering is then combined to produce an abnormality ranking of traffic flows, using a correlation-distance-based approach.


Network attack, Signature generation, clustering algorithm, Network security.


Now days to discover the network attack on internet world, it is challenging task numerous amount of attack are found such as Denial of Service attacks (DoS) [1], Distributed DoS (DDoS) [2], web/host scans [3], and spreading worms or viruses [4] and many more different attacks that daily threaten the integrity and normal operation of the network. The main challenge in automatically detecting and analyzing network attacks is that these are a moving and ever-growing target [5]. Main idea to detect and analyze network, which affected by an attack, is that these are a moving and evergrowing target. Under this condition it is important to develop the security system, which can help to find out an attack or generate the alternative solution, prevent from an attack.
There are different approaches are consider as providing security among these Two different approaches are mainly consider for to find out a solution : signature-based detection[6] and anomaly detection[7].
Signature-based detection systems developed to protect the network using signature matching technique and are highly effective to detect those attacks which they are programmed to alert on but I cannot defend the network against unknown attacks as well as it's not a cost effective technique because for building new signatures [6,8]. While, Anomaly detection uses to detect anomalies as activities that deviate from this baseline. Such methods can discover new forms of network attacks not considered before. Similarly, these techniques is not a cost effective technique Because it detects known attacks, only a signature required for every attack every bit well as novel attacks cannot be detected [7,8].
Under this circumstance, it is necessary to develop cost effective technique, which can help build solution for unsupervised detection. The solution above mention challenges is clustering algorithms; it can used to detect both known or completely unknown attack as well as automatically produce interpret signatures to characterize them, both in an online basis. The complete detection and characterization algorithm runs in three consecutive phases.
1) The first measure lies in detecting an anomalous time slot where an approach might be concealed. For doing so, the time series made for basic traffic metrics such as number of bits, data packets, and IP information flows per time slot using the flow solution. Any generic anomaly detection based on time-series analysis [9, 10] then utilized in time series to identify an anomalous slate.
2) In the second stage, using as input the set of IP flows captured in the flagged time slot. The method uses robust clustering techniques based on Subspace Clustering (SSC) [11], Density-based Clustering [12], and Evidence Accumulation (EA) [13] blindly pull out the suspicious flows that compose the approach.
3) In the third phase, the evidence of traffic structure provided by the clustering algorithms is applied to produce filtering rules that characterize to detect the attempt[14]
The residue of paper highlighted as follows. Related work is reviewed in section II. The system model, architecture, working of system model, advantages of our scheme described in section III. Implementation and proposed model given in section IV. Implementation details and results addressed in section V. concludes the paper and presents some future research work VI. Part of Reference used to write this work.


Most approaches analyze statistical variations of traffic volume-metrics techniques (e.g., data packets, and IP information) and/or other traffic features using either single link measurements or completely network-wide information. The problem of network attacks and anomaly detection has extensively analyzed in the final ten. The main challenge in automatically detecting and analyzing network attacks is that these are a moving and ever-growing target [5]. Taxonomy allows previous knowledge to given to new attacks as well as providing a structured way to consider such attacks. The proposed taxonomy aims to create categories that enable this to occur easily, so that similarities between attacks can highlighted and used to combine new attacks.
A non-exhaustive list of methods includes the role of signal processing techniques (e.g., ARIMA, wavelets) on singlelink traffic measurements [15], [16], and sketches applied to IP-flows [17] [18], Kalman filters [18] for network-wide anomaly detection, anomaly detection algorithm based on time-series analysis [15] –[10], PCA [20] -[21] and sketches applied to IP-flows and signature-based anomaly characterization [22]. And the sub-space approach is another wellknown unsupervised anomaly detection technique, used in [20, 21] to detect network-wide traffic anomalies in highly aggregated traffic flows.
To keep off the lack of robustness of general clustering techniques, I have prepared a parallel-multi-clustering approach, combining the notions of Density-based Clustering [12], Subspace Clustering [11], and Evidence Accumulation [13]. The particular details of the algorithm are fully documented in [23]. Clustering is performed in very-low-dimensional subspecies, which is faster than clustering in high-dimensional spaces [24].
The Fisher Score (FS) [25], basically measures the separation between clusters, relative to the total variance within each subdivision. The vast volume of the unsupervised detection schemes proposed in the literature is based on clustering and outliers detection, being [26,27] some relevant examples. In [26], the authors utilize a single-linkage hierarchical clustering method to cluster data from the KDD’99 dataset, based on the standard Euclidean space for inter-patterns similarity. In [28] reports improved results in the same data set, using three different clustering algorithms: Fixed-Width clustering, an optimized version of k-NN, and one class SVM [27] presents a combined density-grid-based clustering algorithm to improve computational complexity, obtaining similar detection results.
From literature work mention above some objective some solve the problem regarding network attacks, The main of the our work to design a cluster base system for completely detect unsupervised detection and construct a signature for anomalous flow of data. In order to accomplish the proposed idea.


Our main idea is to detect both known, as well as unusual people and unknown attack. This is caused by the production of signature that determine the attack in an online basis algorithm that is being used for characterizing the attack will persist in following stages[29], which is being represented by flow as depicted below in figure 1 .
This came after the three consecutive stages. Firstly, using a temporal sliding-window approach, traffic is caught and it is aggregated in flows. This is performed using different stories of traffic aggregation. For simple traffic metrics such as number of bytes, flows in each time slot, the time series made. In addition, any change-catching method used to identify an anomalous time slot. In the second stage, unsupervised detection algorithm begins, using as input the set of IP flows captured in the flagged time slot. The method uses robust clustering techniques based on Sub-Space Clustering (SSC) , Density-based Clustering, and Evidence Accumulation (EA), to blindly extract the suspicious flows that compose the attack. In the third stage, the evidence of traffic structure provided by the clustering algorithms is used to produce filtering rules that characterize to detect the attack.


A. Stages of Implementation

Step 1:- To capture the packet of data which takes as input all the IP flows in flagged time slot by using analyzer i.e. Create Log file.
Step 2:- IP flows are additionally aggregated at different flow-resolution levels using different aggregation keys and apply sliding time windowing scheme for every 1sec.
Step 3:- Create the feature space matrix by using following formula x(1) = [sipadd dipadd sport dport nsipadd/ndipadd y(1)/ndipadd]
Similarly, we have to create feature space matrices (i.e. clusters) for all time windows data set.i.e., X=Σ(x1,x2…….xn) and then apply Clustering algorithm and declare smallest group of cluster as outlier.
Step 4:- Detect anomalies using k-means clustering algorithm, evidence accumulation and outliers ranking.
Step 5:- Create a signature. Signature will be logged and updated in the signature table. Signature table can be use in for online detection anomalous flow.
Step 6:- To detect the attack in the future this signature can ultimately be integrated to any standard security device. There is filtering rules are combined into a new traffic signature that characterizes the attack in simple terms.

B. K-Means Algorithm

K-means algorithm [24,29] as the underlying clustering algorithm to produce clustering ensembles. First, the data is split into a large number of compact and small clusters; different decompositions are obtained by random initializations of the K-means algorithm. The data organization present in the multiple clustering is mapped into a co-association matrix, which provides a measure of similarity between patterns. The final data partition is obtained by clustering this new similarity matrix [30].
The primary steps of the K - means algorithm are as follows,
1. Choose an initial partition with N clusters; repeat steps 2 and 3 until cluster membership stabilizes.
2. Bring forth a new partition by assigning each pattern to its closest cluster centre.
3. Compute new cluster of each centers.

C. Evidence accumulation and outliers ranking

The idea of evidence accumulation-based clustering is to fuse the results of multiple clustering into a single data partition, by viewing each clustering result as an independent evidence of data governance. There are various potential ways to gather evidence in the context of unsupervised learning:
(1) Combine results of different clustering algorithms.
(2) Produce different results by re-sampling the data.
(3) Running a given algorithm many times with different parameters or initializations. The overall method for evidence collection-based clustering is below.


For experimental propose we can use used analyzer i.e. NetworkActiv PIAFCTM [31], and MATLAB[32], the power of the unsupervised algorithm to detect and construct a signature for different attack in real traffic. Initially we work with packet traces, the shadows are not marked, and thus analysis will be determined to show how the unsupervised approach can find anomalies and characterize different network attack without using signatures, labels, or scholarship. On that, point is to detect the port scan attack, and it refers to TCP/UDP ports. Regarding filtering rules, these require the number of sources and destinations and the fraction of packets combining them produces a signature. Surprisingly the extracted signature matches quite closely the standard signature used to detect an attempt.
We can create network packet transfer log file using NetworkActiv PIAFCTM in packet mode. At one time an operation starts it can apply an output using various factors such as Type, Size, Source and Destination IP, Source and Destination port and Time and date information shown in below figure 2. As after generating data, apply sliding time windowing scheme for after a second and IP flow are aggregated at similar time the feature space matrix by using following formula mention in step 3. It produces the number of cluster. It observed, the first column occurs tag values, second column contains the flow of data i.e., Y. And (from column three to eight is feature space) third column is sip, fourth column dip, the fifth column is a sport, sixth column is deported, seventh column is ratio of sources IP address to number of destination IP address and eight columns is the proportion of flow of data to a number of destination IP address. Show in figure 3.
The GUI of Our system has various button labeling functionality of each button shown below table 1.
To see the anomalies by using k-means clustering algorithm, evidence accumulation and outlier ranking.g. From that outlier, we cause to gather the information about source IP, destination IP and time for that cause to trace back into the feature space matrix, aggregation and log file. The detective work of a group of anomalous flows is to automatically produce a lot of filtering rules to characterize the network attacks. Here it detects the port scan attack. Port scan attack refers to scan TCP/UDP port as shown in figure 4. To produce the signature used addsig function from the GUI. It will update in the signature table. Lastly, I have detected anomalous traffic flows, and network attack such as port scan attack as shown in figure 5.


The completely unsupervised algorithm for detection of network attack that uses exclusively unlabeled data to identify and characterize network attack without needing any form of signature, particular model, or canonical data distribution. This allows detecting new, previously unseen network attack, even without using statistical learning. We establish how to employ the algorithm automatically construct signatures of network attack without relying on any form of previous information. An attack can applied to devise autonomous network security arrangements, in which the Subspace clustering (SSC) and Evidence Accumulation based algorithm applied in latitude to any standard security device, producing specific signatures to unknown anomalous events. Finally, Results confirm that the use of the algorithm for on-line unsupervised detection and automatic generation of signatures is possible and easy to achieve for the network attack and anomaly detection that analyzed. In this report, we have suggested an idea, which is still young, and a great deal of work needs to be performed to fix the model perfectly. Though we have several challenges to be assembled to solve more efficiently in our proposed model, we believe with our future research it is not far to establish such infrastructure.

Tables at a glance

Table icon Table icon
Table 1 Table 2

Figures at a glance

Figure 1 Figure 2 Figure 3 Figure 4 Figure 5
Figure 1 Figure 2 Figure 3 Figure 4 Figure 5
