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Number Recognition Problems in Children; Converting the Number System into Letters: A Suggested View

Hussein Ahmed Ayed Rababa*

The Hashemi Center for Public Opinion Poll, Irbid, Jordan

*Corresponding Author:
Hussein Ahmed Ayed Rababa
The Hashemi Center for Public Opinion Poll, Irbid, Jordan E-mail:

Received: 01-Mar-2023, Manuscript No. JSMS-23-86386; Editor assigned: 03-Mar-2023, Pre QC No. JSMS-23-86386 (PQ); Reviewed: 17-Mar-2023, QC No. JSMS-23-86386; Revised: 24-Mar-2023, Manuscript No. JSMS-23-86386 (A); Published: 31-Mar-2023, DOI: 10.4172/J Stats Math Sci.9.1.002.

Citation: Rababa HA . Number Recognition Problems in Children; Converting the Number System into Letters: A Suggested View. J Stats Math Sci. 2023;9:002.

Copyright: © 2023 Rababa HA . This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.

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The current article presents a new view of numbers, in which it was introduced to be replaced by letters, to match learning concepts and facilitate their learning and expression, and to eliminate confusion between similar numbers in addition to removing ambiguity in them, which helps children to easily learn and express them and the possibility of using them from all segments of society, There is also an easy opportunity to convert a number into another number easily, which facilitates the process of falsifying numbers, so the article presented the proposed image to replace numbers with letters, and keep all mathematical concepts as is customary.


Numbers; Learning difficulties; Financial transactions; Abacus

About the Study

Mankind has known counting since ancient times, but they did not have any symbols to express it, and they were counting using fingers, pebbles, and even sticks, until the abacus was invented that helped in the counting process, which is a frame consisting of some wires, surrounding these Wires are a group of beads that represent numbers, and the discovery of the abacus after a large group of things contributed, however, there was no way to express these things, until the ancient Egyptians came in the year 3000 BC, with a new invention called numbers, which are symbols indicating numbers, The Egyptians used symbols as a sign of numbers and they put symbols expressing the numbers from 1-9, and they were similar to the fingers of the hands, and they expressed the number (10) with a symbol that looks like a bow, and they put a wrapped thread to denote the number 100, while the symbol in the shape of a lotus flower was an indication of the number (1000), and it is believed that the reason [1].

Numbers important

Numbers play an important role in our lives in all situations. Everything that relates to a person or what surrounds him is expressed by numbers, such as personal identity, which begins with the date of birth and time, and these things are generally announced in the form in which numbers are included; even in our daily lives, numbers are used in all types of transactions that we deal with.

Here are our daily lives where numbers play a crucial role in achieving the desired goals:

1. In financial transactions, buying and selling

2. Operations we perform at home

3. Construction operations and related matters

Learning difficulties are not limited to reading and writing only, as there are some difficulties that children face in mathematics, and they range from mild to severe. Below is a group of types of learning difficulties related to mathematics [2]. It is noteworthy that these students often suffer from significant deficits in motor perception, as a result of a dysfunction in the right part of their brains [3,4]. A common number recognition problem for children is confusing the numbers 6 and 9, especially when the number 9 is drawn like the number 6 upside down instead of the ball with a straight line behind it. When children see the two numbers, they often struggle to understand that the number 6 is upside down. The ball is at the bottom, while the number 9 is at the top, and since some students have difficulty distinguishing between the top and bottom, it stands to reason that they would have difficulty distinguishing between these two numbers.


Through the researcher's academic experience, note the following

First: Learning numbers in their usual form takes time from the student in the first academic years of his life.

Second: The association of learning numbers with letters aids the student's learning process by linking language and mathematics by combining letters and numbers with letters that express numbers in small form

Third: Many students dislike mathematics and have difficulty learning it. The reasons for this are its separation from the language and their inability to learn it because they believe it is a new and difficult language to learn.


The researcher expects that there will be objections to what this article presents of linking numbers to letters, because:

• Some may see that the numbers have become global and it is difficult to do without them.

• Others may see the huge amount of literature that has been written and the human effort that has been made, leaving no opportunity to dispense with it.

• Others may see that numbers have entered technology and the computing system, which makes things very difficult and complicated.


Application procedures for converting mathematical numbers into lowercase letters, Write the number between the two signs <> to indicate that what is written is a number, and must One space separates one letter from another. The digits of the number remain the same: ones, tens, hundreds, thousands, as well as decimal places. Mathematical symbols remain the same: fractions, arithmetic signs, equality, greater sign, lesser sign, and decimal digits. The researcher recommends applying the current article, and starting to teach it to students in kindergarten and the first basic grades, and recommends conducting studies dealing with the application of this article in education and practical life.
