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Editorial Open Access

A Brief Description on Cube and its Dimensions


A cube is a three-dimensional solid object having six square faces, facets, or sides, three of which meet at each vertex in geometry. The cube is one of the five Platonic solids and is the only regular hexahedron. It is made up of six faces, twelve edges, and eight vertices. A square parallelepiped, an equilateral cuboid, and a right rhombohedron are all examples of the cube. In three orientations, it's a standard square prism, and in four, it's a trigonal trapezohedron. The octahedron and the cube are twins. Its symmetry is cubical or octahedral. The only convex polyhedron with entirely square faces is the cube. The cube has four specific orthogonal projections: one centered on a vertex, one on the edges, one on the face, and one on the normal to the vertex figure. The A2 and B2 coxeter planes are the first and third, respectively. Spherical tiling: The cube can alternatively be represented as a spherical tiling that is stereographically projected onto the plane. Angles, but not areas or lengths, are preserved in this conformal projection. On the plane, straight lines on the sphere are projected as circular arcs. Cartesian coordinates: The Cartesian coordinates of the vertices of a cube centred at the origin, with edges parallel to the axes and an edge length of 2 are (± 1, ± 1, and ± 1). Equation in R3

William Robert*

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