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Special Issue Article Open Access

A Framework for Opinion Mining- Root Cause Monitoring the Social System Which Keeps Tracks of Weak Points in Rural Areas


The advent of Web 2.0 and social media content has stirred much excitement and created abundant opportunities for understanding the opinions of the general public and consumers toward social events, political movements, company strategies, marketing campaigns, and product preferences. Opinion mining, a sub discipline within data mining and computational linguistics, refers to the computational techniques for extracting, classifying, understanding, and assessing the opinions expressed in various online news sources, social media comments, and other user-generated content. Sentiment analysis is often used in opinion mining to identify sentiment, affect, subjectivity, and other emotional states in online text. In this paper the idea is to keep track of all the weak points in a system. A constant monitoring system will keep track of all these failure points. As more and more weak points are gathered, then the criticality ration of the problem can be calculated and the management alerted of the impending problem. We all wait for disasters to happen and then respond to it. This can also be used by traffic management and other social welfare initiatives.

Suman A Lasrado, Dr. Vincent Mascarenhas , Pradeepkumar, Abdul Jamali