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The inconvenience encountered by people at public places like government service centres, restaurants, banks etc has called for a solution that could efficiently manage large number of people with little inconvenience as possible. Traditional approach is to stand in queue until people have fulfilled their orders or requirements. This approach involves waiting for a long time and is very inefficient. Commercially available token display systems mitigate this problem to a large extend but is too expensive to be used at public places. Through this project we aim to design a low power, low cost AVR microcontroller based design that could replace existing arrangement. The low power requirements make the system easy to use at rural places where power supply is sporadic which results in heavy dependence on battery power. The proposed system drastically improves the efficiency of crowd management in public places, increasing discipline and order, resulting in improved customer service and convenience for the people.

Basil Roy, Aswin Venugopal

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