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Research Article Open Access

A Novel Power Quality Improvement Technique Using Multi-Connected Distributed Power Flow Controller (MC-DPFC)


This paper presents a new component within the flexible ac-transmission system (FACTS) family, called multi connected distributed power-flow controller (MC-DPFC) capable of simultaneous compensation for voltage and current in multibus/multifeeder systems. In this configuration, one shunt voltage-source converter (shunt VSC) and two or more series VSCs exist. The system can be applied to adjacent feeders to compensate for supply-voltage and load current imperfections on the main feeder and full compensation of supply voltage Imperfections on the other feeders. The DPFC can be considered as a UPFC with an eliminated common dc link. The active power exchange between the shunt and series converters, which is through the common dc link in the UPFC, is now through the transmission lines at the third-harmonic frequency. The DPFC employs the distributed FACTS (D-FACTS) concept, which is to use multiple small-size single-phase converters instead of the one large-size three-phase series converter in the UPFC. In this proposed system we connected DPFC for multiple bus bars instead of using two custom power devices (CUPS). The large number of series converters provides redundancy, thereby increasing the system reliability. As the D-FACTS converters are single-phase and floating with respect to the ground, there is no high-voltage isolation required between the phases. Accordingly, the cost of the DPFC system is lower than the UPFC. The DPFC has the same control capability as the UPFC, which comprises the adjustment of the line impedance, the transmission angle, and the bus voltage. The principle and analysis of the DPFC are presented.

Ch.Pushpanadham, Tegala. Srinivasa Rao

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