e-ISSN: 2321-6190 p-ISSN: 2347-2294

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Review Article Open Access

A Review - Effect of Fish feed Can Bring Changes in Growth and Development of Fishes (Aquaculture Production)


Fishes are the aquatic organisms, found in aquatic environment from deepest oceans to high mountain streams. As the population increased the demand of the fish consumption also increased. So, to increase the production of the fishes the fish feed are developed for providing the balanced nutrition and maintain the health condition, reduce the mortality. Fish feed used contains the nutritional value helps in production simultaneously should look after the effect of different products bringing the changes in development of the organs which may or may not good for the fishes. This Mini review is to bring out the brief concept about the effect of fish feed on fishes and changes that occurs with the feed so that it can be standardized to improve the aquaculture industry to fill the gap of Consumption and production.

Habeeb Pasha

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