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Special Issue Article Open Access

A Self Adaptive Approach for Defending Flood Attacks in Disruption Tolerant Networks


The intermittent connectivity between nodes to transfer data is exploited using Disruption Tolerant Networks (DTNs). To defend flood attacks in DTNs is rate limiting, such that each node has a limit over the number of packets that it can generate in each time interval. Detection adopts claim-carry-and-check, each node itself counts the number of packets that it has sent and claims the count to other nodes. The receiving node carries the claims when they move and cross-check if their carried claims are inconsistent when they contact. The claim structure uses the pigeonhole principle to guarantee that an attacker will make inconsistent claims which may lead to detection. A selfadaptive approach is used to detect the replica flood attack in proposed system. A learning automation is used to improve its performance. Its goal is to find among a set of actions the optimal one, so that the average penalty received by the environment is minimized. There exists a feedback mechanism that notifies the response to specific action.

P.Sakthipriya, P.Rajeswari

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