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Research Article Open Access

A Survey on Attacks in Web Usage Mining


As the use of internet is high nowadays, threats are taking places on the use of internet. There are several kinds of online attacks which affect the system badly and infect the system in such a manner that the server finds itself to recover. In the same proceedings attacks like brute force or IP spoofing has made its place in the crowd of online theft and attacks. Brute force attack is an attack in which the combination of password is thrown to the login system to crack the password. It has been seen often that the combination of password cracks the database. To prevent the system for such attacks optimization algorithms are designed to ensure that the system remains safe. In addition to the brute force attack there is another attack named IP spoofing attack which leads to send request to the server in a random manner, before the server deals with one ip another request hits the system and makes the server response slow. Such a system can be often seen in the university sites where results day become a hectic task for the server to respond to all the request at the same time and it leads to slowing down the server. This research deals with three kinds of attacks simultaneously namely brute force attack, ip spoofing and sql Injection attack with the prevention mechanisms like ant colony optimization and genetic algorithm simultaneously. The research would also compare the results of genetic algorithm and ant colony optimization algorithm.

R.Natarajan, Dr.R.Sugumar

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